Saturday, April 20, 2013

Haven In A Moment

I love tea. 
With four kids and a list of endless things to do throughout the day, it's a necessity for me to take a little break from time to time. Something about tea is so soothing and therapeutic. Its simplicity has so much to offer... And I found this.

Palais des Thés
photo courtesy of Palais des Thes

Last month, my girlfriend and I went out to Soho to finally visit this place. It's a french tea boutique and they have numerous selections and yes, the French do know how to do tea as well.

I pair the tea with this, and just in a moment, my haven is created. After a long day, there's nothing like taking some time to relax and rejuvenate. 

Palais des Thés

156 Prince Street and West Broadway, New York

Friday, April 19, 2013

Daily Inspiration?

"May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart." 

                           -John O'Donohue