Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot Summer Tip: From Sandy to Sweet

So listen up, here is the hot tip for your trips to the beach this summer: Don't forget the baby powder.

Going to the beach....TONS OF FUN! Cleaning up afterward to head home.... NOT do much fun. Getting hot, wet, sandy kids clean enough to get into the car (without bring the beach with them) can be tough. I hate trying to clean sand from the floor of the car and their carseats. But when I try to brush the sand off those wiggling, damp bodies it can be so irritating to their skin. What's a smart mom supposed to do??

The answer is baby powder. Sprinkle baby powder on those little bodies and the sand will easy wipe right off! Then you can load your sand free (and sweet smelling) kids into the car without the mess.

So next time you pack your beach bag, don't forget to throw in the baby powder (no matter how old your babies are).

Enjoy your summer.

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