Thursday, June 4, 2009

The List

Time sure flies.
I think each day passes by even faster when life gets busy. Don't you think?
As a busy wife and mother, I can barely keep track of how time passes me by. It's been almost three months since baby M was born. This train called "life" has been charging at its full force, I almost forgot to even breathe.
When life gets too fast, I feel the need for some time to recharge myself. There are few very simple things that provide such energy with little time. To remind myself, I decided to name my list- the list of things that bring a jolt in my soul :) What are some things that gets you going?

10. Listening to my favorite Ella Fitzgerald CD
9. Taking a walk outside and taking pictures of God's wonderful creation-nature
8. Baking
7. Journaling
6. Crafting
5. Having coffee with friends
4. Rocking in the glider with the baby
3. Singing in the shower-I know it sounds silly, but they're my two favorite things (being a music major, I love to sing but can never find the time to sit in front of my piano, so this will do for now :P )
2. Sitting on the couch with my hubby and read together (even if it's for few minutes)
1. Spending time with my first love- He gives me the real boost as I dive myself in the Word.

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