Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Choosing Not to be Alone

This morning I came to a realization that I have had before, one that many mothers probably have, but it really hit home. I cannot do it all alone!! I get help from my husband who is a great support and of course rely on Christ as my life line....so then why is it that I often feel so alone? Today I realized that it is the companionship, advice, encouragement and support of other mothers and other women that I crave. I admit that I tend to put on a happy face (ok, not always if you ask my husband) and just be determined to get through my struggles.... I had convinced myself that I had God and so I did not need anyone else. I am tearing up now as I write this and finally give voice to the small aching that has been in my heart. Though I truly am happy to be a wife and mother, I have not made connecting with other moms and women a priority....as there are always so many other things to do. Sure I have friends, and do connect with women, but have allowed it to be too much on the surface, not the kind of connection that really speaks into my life or theirs.
This morning I went to my second MOPS meeting (Mothers of Preschoolers) and was blown away. I admit to debating whether to go or not, as my baby was up several times last night (which is an unusual occurrence) and I was out of sorts this morning. Also, I knew that the baby would miss his nap and we would all be later for lunch and afternoon naps if we went. I am so glad that I did not let that keep me home. We started by listening to a new Steven Curtis Chapman song that spoke directly to my heart. I did not break down and sob....though I thought about leaving the room so I could....but I did let a few tears trickle down my face.
Next some of the more experienced moms ('mom mentors') began sharing. I witnessed such love, wisdom, honesty, godliness and heart from these women that I actually felt a bit foolish over all the times I have tried to 'go it alone.' I don't know if it is pride or embarrassment that has held me back, maybe both. The Lord has so perfectly placed such a wealth of mothering knowledge and love right in front of me... I have finally decided to take advantage of it! Of course I did not run up and tell any of the mentors this at the meeting. I maintained my typically calm and happy exterior. But next time I am struggling and know I need help, I will be calling one of them for advice or maybe just to pray!!

Thank God for such a wonderful ministry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey friend,
And thanks for being vunerable...