Thursday, October 23, 2008

Guess How Old?

A few days ago as I was cleaning out my desk, I came across a gift package that my soon to be 5 year old had given me for last Mother's Day which brought me so much laughter. At school, he spent an entire week making cards, drawings, a bouquet of tissue paper flowers, and a laminated "This is my mom, she is special" letter that he wrote about me. There were questions and he had to fill out the the answers. I got such a kick out of it, I thought I must share this. This is what it says:

My mom's favorite thing to do is: play hot wheels (miniature cars) with me.

My mom has a nice smile. I like to make her smile by: giving her a present on her birthday.

My mom is so smart! She even knows how to: cook pancakes.

My mom's age is: 99 years old, I think.

I love you mom!

Haha... I just love the ways kids think. I'm glad that he knows how much I enjoy spending time with him (we usually play with his hot wheels). I was taken back though when he though I was 99 years old. So, after reading this I asked him, "Do you really think I'm 99 years old?!" He said, "No way!". Then I asked, "How old do you really think I am?" With a confident smile on his face he said, "I know! You're 90!" I then decided to leave it at that :D

1 comment:

bethany said...

Ha Ha!! This made me laugh. I love the way kids think and express themselves.