Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Baby Talk

Never have I imagined I'd be married and become a mother of 4 kids. I've always been driven by music, ambitions, and the plans I've mapped out to accomplish my goals. I knew exactly what I wanted by the time I turned 30 and marriage plus kids would come after I turn that very age. I can't believe I'm turning 30 next month and my life is no way close to what I thought it would be.

I was quite nervous about having a fourth child but I love every minute of it. Sure, it takes hard work and many sleepless nights but being a mother is one of the greatest gift I've received from God. Maybe it's because both Jay and I grew up as an only child, but having a big family is great! I love watching my kids interacting with one another. They have so much fun together.

Morgan is two weeks old already. I can't believe how fast the days go by. Considering how tough this pregnancy was on my body, I'm so glad feel great now. I know I need to take things slow for another 2 weeks, but I'm so tempted to get back to the list of things-to-do. My house looks like a train wreck and being OCD and a perfectionist, it's driving me up the wall. Hopefully, I will catch up with everything.... soon. I need some sleep.

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