Friday, March 6, 2009

Can Opposites Attract?

Bishop T.D. Jakes, pastor of the The Potter's House in Texas says of his wife Serita, "occasionally she saw ahead, often I felt her behind me, but through it all, she was beside me." Ladies, are we willing to stand beside our husbands through all the seasons of life? Where do you spend your time standing in your marriage?

Are you married to your opposite? You can love the same music, same foods, and same type of furniture and art, but stay married for a few years, and you will see that you are more different than you thought. This does not have to be a problem unless we choose to view this as a dilemma instead of an opportunity to love our spouses more deeply.

My husband and I have formed similar lifestyle habits and share the same core values, but our personalities are as different as night from day. There have been times in the past when we viewed the same circumstance in raising our kids so differently that it has been divisive. Those are the moments we need to be careful of ladies.

Stephen and Alex Kendrick write in The Love Dare book that when we are frustrated, hurt or disappointed with unmet expectations, we begin to line our hearts and minds with our spouse's weaknesses and failures. Their bad habits, hurtful words and poor decisions over power our own failures when we have been hurt. What may start out as a moment if kept here long enough, can be the seeds to killing marriages. The more time you spend here, the more your heart devalues your spouse.

Be careful and remember that love chooses to believe the best about people. When disappointment happens, make every effort to deal with it appropriately. Focus on the positive attributes of your husband which attracted you to him in the first place. This next statement will not always be easy to say, but work on prayerfully saying in your prayers, "my husband completes me." His character qualities are not mine - and that is good. Philippians 4:8 tells me to meditate on anything that is praiseworthy. 1 Corinthians 13 tells me that love believes all things and hopes all things.

I have a great prayer that I pray for my husband regularly that is lamenated into a bookmark that is in the current book I am reading. (Family Life Publishing)

Lord, I lift my husband to You today and pray, according
to Your Word, that You give him strength to lead,
time to know his family, and a passion to manage his home.
Bless his work and show him daily how to honor You in his attitude
and spirit; confirm the work of his hands unto Your purpose.
Enable him to be a wise steward of our finances and all
we possess, remembering that all things are Yours and entrusted
to us for Your purposes.
I pray God that he will love You with all his heart, soul, mind
and strength and hate evil.
May he be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger.
Protect him physically, mentally and spiritually.
Give him the desire to teach and model a godly lifestyle for his children.
Instruct him and teach him in the way he should go; give him peace
in the circumstances and integrity in decisions he must face today.
May he meditate day and night on Your Word, pray without ceasing,
and stay faithful to Christ to the end.
May he develop strong relationships with other godly men,
and make me my husband's helpmate, companion, champion,
friend and support.
I lay all my expectations at Your cross.
Teach me how to pray for my husband and make my prayers
a true language of love.

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