Friday, March 27, 2009

Signs of Spring

We've had a time of discipline in our house. My teenage son fell asleep watching a movie at friends house and missed an already extended curfew--by hours. We'd already had several sketchy --REALLY approximate return times over the past couple weeks, and this was the event that tipped the scale. One of the hard things for me as a mom over the years, has been to discipline my children when they've done something wrong, when I understand why or how it happened. It's hard when I could see myself making the same mistake. Another example of this is when a child reacts in anger and does something wrong, against a sibling who's done them wrong, and now you have an angry hurt child, who is in line for discipline--both of them are sometimes.

When you love your kids, it can be hard sometimes to follow through and deliver on the consequences you have already agreed on. In fact, I have found myself really rearranging the facts subconsciously to avoid the drama that WILL unfold if I follow through.

We're at the end of a two week 'grounding' period. It's been so nice to not have to worry or wait up at night. But mostly, it's been a time of settling for us. Both for me as a mom and for my son. We are talking more, seeing each other more and have had moments of relaxed enjoyable relating. What I'm seeing is the fruit of discipline. There's a beautiful thing that emerges from the soil of being grounded or submitting to a consequence. When discipline is dispensed in love-but with certainty and firmness, eventually you see signs of life and hope. But you have to have faith because all you see for a long while is dirt, and more dirt and maybe mud, rain and snow on top!

Hang in there moms. We have an awesome opportunity to raise the next generation of men and women for the kingdom of God. Spring will come.
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11


Caitlin said...

Donna, this is so encouraging because I've found myself disciplining Sienna more and more recently and I do not enjoy it. It's nice to read a message that makes me feel like this might pay off at some point!

bethany said...

Thanks for sharing this! I too have found myself wanting to be more understanding and lenient rather than disciplining. My practical parental side wins out and so I do discipline consistently. Great reminder of why we do this!!

The Queen Mommy said...

This is a good post - my girls are young and the discipline even now can be difficult. Motherhood really takes so much patience, and thankfully we have a Supreme Example of patience to follow.