Thursday, March 12, 2009

Something to Think About.....

Finally (sisters) whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about these things. ~ Phillipians 4:8

What is on your mind today? What do you find yourself thinking about? Are you dwelling on an offense or worrying about the future?

There are so many things surrounding us, so many people and events that capture our attention.

This verse has challenged me today. So what is true? What is right and pure? My first thought was...Jesus. Am I thinking about Him, His love, His work, the fruits of His spirit? Not often enough. I have been praying throughout the day for God to quiet my mind and direct my thoughts away from the lies, wrongs, ugliness and unworthiness that can easily fill it up.

I find that the more I think about what is admirable, right, excellent and praiseworthy....the more I forget the things that do not have these attributes.

So what will you think about today?

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