Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week 2: Sleepless in Long Island

Morgan is finally home after spending a week in the NICU. I'm so thankful that everything is okay and she's healthy and thriving.

Now all we have to do is work on the routine and somehow get her to sleep through the night on her own for the next few months. I'm like a walking zombie, not knowing what day it is and my head is clouded with haziness. I nursed three of my kids on demand until they were a year and few months. But with Morgan, I am determined to "babywise" her (parent-directed feeding) but am having a hard time doing so. I have read this book 5 times already. I have all the information in my head, but to act upon it is another story.

How do you teach your baby to sleep without depending on you? Do you have any advice?


Caitlin said...

It's so great that Morgan is finally home and that you are not afraid to try something new! I really like the Babywise idea, but each child is different and you and Morgan both need to figure it out together. I know what helped Sienna sleep in the early days (or early months) was lots of swaddling! (And she loved her binky too).

Donna B said...

Gina, I love that you are so open and willing. I really believe that parent leadership is the gentlest introduction to the truth of blessing that comes from living at peace with boundaries...which eventually leads to an acceptance of rules, parental leadership and authority in general--including God. However, I found that directing the sleep was the critical issue, establishing yourself as the leader in training towards a specific goal...very profitable, but I also found that the nursing rules were rigid, unnatural and did not lead to a great milk supply in most moms that followed the plan. I'm not sure why---but too many of my friends babies did not thrive. I found that modifying the nursing, meaning nursing a baby to sleep was a relief and blessing. You WANT your baby to be completely satisfied in you! And you want to nurture that trusting can be a sleep trainer and nurse freely. The trick is having the confidence to let your baby fuss and settle if they wake up when you lay them down, knowing that it's time to sleep. I know this is probably more info than anyone wants, and sadly there's more where it came from...nothing like a mom that misses the baby stage!
:) I nursed all six well past the year mark-- & LOVE the subject ...just know that if you want, I would love to chat!