Friday, May 29, 2009

Quick Inspirations

Hello Moms!

We are excited to announce that Mom Inspirations is updating our format...just for YOU and just for the SUMMER. Since we tend to spend less time at home (and at the computer) and more time out with our kids during this season, we want to introuduce you to "Quick Inspirations."

Each weekday we'll be posting a short, but amazing inspiration for you. These quick inspirations will be in the form of either a brief 'Thought for the Day' from Nana (life verse and personal insight), a great summer tip that you need to know or a short excerpt about the essentials of what to pray for and over your child (our summer series).

You can log on and take just one or two minutes to read the mini article for the day. So log on... read... be encouraged... be inspired ... be motivated and please share your inspirations, your questions, your tips and your thoughts with us too!

We look forward to enjoying the summer together.

1 comment:

Carolina said...

I think this is a great idea. I am always looking for short on the go thoughts that I can take with me while I am on my way - just like Gail's. Good idea. C-