Thursday, May 28, 2009


I can't believe summer is just around the corner. Time sure flies just too fast!

As I think about having four kids in the home for the summer, I get kinda nervous. I know there are a lot of activities they've been wanting to do, lots of lessons to take, places to go, camps to be involved with, etc. And it's so easy to get caught up in endless programs for their enrichment sake. But I realize that perhaps when the vacation comes around, we can start to regroup and prioritize what's really necessary.

I know many of us parents fall into the category of getting the kids plugged in programs after programs (myself included as well), but lately God's been reminding me to go back to the basics. Yes, these programs are good, but we as Christian mothers have a responsibility to teach our children to become like Christ.

Sometimes we feel that we don't have the tools to provide that and leave it to our churches to handle this, but really, it's the parents that have the first responsibility to lead our children to Christ. That says a lot about how we should live our daily life to set the example to witness to them. Remember, living what you know and not just talk the talk? I sure do a lot of talking, especially to my children, but seldom do I remember to live it.

So, before I plan all the other activities this summer, I plan to spend more time in enriching their spiritual life. I gotta be creative about this to make it exciting since we have so many stimulating and exciting things around us to compete with! As Erwan McMannus puts it, it is sin to make Bible boring. I think it's true. God is such a creative being, we should tap into the gift of creativity to make Jesus and pursuing our relationship with him more exciting for our kids.

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