Monday, November 24, 2008

True Beauty

In a highly trafficked hallway of my home sits a wooden plaque with the word, 'SIMPLIFY' painted on it. To some women this word means to clean out the closets, eliminate the dust bunnies, or enter all the loose receipts into the checkbook. Yet to others, it means to say yes to fewer things and stop overbooking schedules.
When my children were young, it meant making sure everyone got enough rest and a schedule was in place. As they got older, it meant making sure I carefully chose their activities so that quality overshadowed quantity. Of course along with this type of prioritizing came the need to balance time with my husband, my outside activities, and friendships. Somewhere between then and now - I have come to realize that all the scheduling, short cuts learned, and simplifying can not take the place of knowing your purpose.
The world will tell you that the external variables should dictate how you spend your time. Truly, there are days when situations and circumstances will force you to be flexible and change what you have planned. But your number one priority is to begin each day with God. Allow Him to shine your true beauty. Dedicate each day to Him, for Him and because of Him. If you are able to - before you get out of bed, before that first foot touches the floor, ask Him to fill you with His holy presence. He has a purpose for you and your day.
Especially with the holidays beginning, you will need His touch. Give Him your days - Colossians 3:17 tells us that our lives should honor God. This is possible and you can do it, with the touch of the Savior. 'Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life- and place it before God as an offering' (Romans 12:1) Worship God on the center stage of your life, simplifying the many tasks before you by dedicating them to Him.
You will have enough time to do that which God wants you to do. Come before Him and allow Him to love you. A little early Holiday gift is waiting for you - enjoy it - "True Beauty". Happy Thanksgiving! Carolina /aka Nina

1 comment:

bethany said...

Thanks for this crucial reminder about starting everything with God and for God! I really need to SIMPLIFY my days like that. (The 'true beauty' clip spoke to my heart also). Thank you!