Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When Words are Many.... - By Sue

We recently got a new family plan for our cell phone usage. My husband informed me that I would have 750 minutes for the month as this was my average usage from my prior phone service. I was shocked and thought, “that is a lot of minutes and that’s just on my cell phone!” Truthfully I could not figure out how I spent that much time talking on my cell phone. I have always prided myself on the fact that I usually use the cell only for urgent matters. I know I do not have 750 minutes worth of urgent matters in a typical month. This got me thinking, how much time do I spend on my home phone? Is it more than 750 minutes? What do I talk about that requires so much time anyway?

Proverbs 10:19 says that "where words are many sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." I’ve found this to be true, especially when I am talking to girlfriends. If I am on the phone too long sooner or later a comment will be made about someone that is not necessary. Do I plan on having these conversations – usually not. But when our words become many we are likely going to run out of positive things to say because we are human and are tempted to sin. We cannot help it. So what is the solution? Keep our words at a minimum when possible. It is fun to catch up with friends on the phone but when I see that I am out of positive comments or the conversation is taking a negative turn then it is time to say good-bye and God bless you. I always regret when I negative or hurtful comment comes out of my mouth. Just as squeezed-out toothpaste cannot be put back in the tube, our words, once out of our mouths, cannot be taken back.

The same is true and maybe even more important, when it comes to the words we speak to our children. Our family, particularly our children, tend to hear more of our words than anyone else. While we should be speaking to, teaching, encouraging and instructing our kids it is important not to let the stress or frustration of the day flow out of our mouth and onto them. "Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." (Matt. 12:34)

Lord, May the words that I speak and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you today. Show me when my words may be leading me to sin and teach me when to be quiet. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

Very wise words. Thank you Sue

bethany said...

I am working on watching me words too! I definitely am more likely to talk than to be quiet.