Thursday, April 23, 2009

Deal Seeking Mom

I love good deals! I think most moms would agree with me when it comes to finding fantastic deals and sales. But when it comes to coupons, I'm not as smart as many women out there. I have been checking out great frugal mommy blogs lately, and as much as I get excited about getting information on how to find great deals (these mommies get lots of household products and groceries for free!), I get great migraines from trying to understand what they do. I guess my brain doesn't work that way. I'd love to learn though.

One of the sites I enjoy is Deal Seeking Mom. She finds great deals from Target, my favorite store, and other drugstore deals, which is fantastic. This is great considering our economic situation. Because every dollar counts.

1 comment:

bethany said...

Love this Deal seeking Mom site and am printing target coupons now. Hooray for saving some money I things I need to buy. thanks