Thursday, April 30, 2009

Passionate Priorities of My Life

When was the last time you experienced a blue-sky moment? I am referring to the kind of moment when you don't know what time it is, you don't care and there is no one there to disturb you. I hope that I can encourage you to consider taking a blue-sky moment soon. You are probably saying, "you don't know my life Carolina. I do not have time to care for myself. My family needs me." Certainly there's a balance. I don't want you to think that I am justifying your behavior every time you want to get away or splurge on a new purchase, nor am I referring to resting on Sunday, because for us moms, this day can be a busy day full of church and family commitments. I am referring to a place and time on a regular basis to renew our minds, process and relax from life's demands.

But Girlfriends, Sisters in Christ, Mothers, and Fellow Wives - as rare as blue-sky moments are, they are to be worshipful. Don't fall into the camp which believes that these moments are self indulgent. This thinking is the extreme and I want to encourage you to replace it with the thought, "I can be a better wife, mother, daughter, employee, and friend because I take good care of my soul each day." It means taking the time to stop and pray to reflect on your life. You must slow down and put your priorities in order. If you don't, you will not be able to give your gifts to those you love the most.

Several blogs ago, I wrote to you about what a Martha I am. That has not changed. That is my nature as God created me to do do do. But I have learned that basking in the presence of the Lord as Mary did is what I need. I have to carve out time to be with God. The dishes will still be there as will emails to be answered, but time with Jesus should be the longing of our hearts.

May I also be so bold as to remind those of you who are also wives that when your soul is in the right place, you will be able to better provide a calm center to your home. Your man will realize what a sanctuary is. He will long to be there and will be conditioned to expect rest and renewal at home. It is not your responsibility alone to make your home restful, however never forget your influence will go a long way with your husband and ultimately with your children. Only you and the Lord will be able to pursue worship together. By doing so, you will not be expecting your husband to know how to make you calm and secure.

This type of time for your soul to rest can be separate from time to exercise, be with friends, wandering at the bookstore.... Old habits of staying up late may mean altering your schedule and going to bed earlier. But to wake early to exercise a bit, read the word of God, having a cup of coffee alone before your family wakes may be what you need. How you make it work will look different for each of you. Ask God to reconnect you to your passionate priorities - your relationship with Him, with your husband your children and your friends. Ask Him to protect you from the enemy who wants you to feel guilty to prevent you from this needed rest. Drink of God's living water and feast at His table to fill your soul.

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