Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bug off!

Those of you who know me well, without a doubt know how much I dislike insects. In fact, it's a phobia that I wish I never have to face. But for some strange reason, no matter where I go I am destined to run into quite traumatic experiences related to.... of course, bugs.

I don't want to recall my various experiences nor the types of insects I'd dealt with. Actually I do with one account, where I lived in northern California (another name for gigantic ant hole), and I had to stuff every food item in the refrigerator because those vicious ants will get to and through anything edible. Opened boxes or unwrapped plastic bags are not obstacles for them. The only thing we were able to keep in the pantry ( without being attacked by thousands of ants) were the canned goods. I remember I couldn't even put food on the kitchen counter for five minutes or else it'll be covered with dusts of ants.

Why am I revisiting my nightmare? Because it's spring and we have unwelcomed guests. I simply don't know what to do. I think I've tried just about anything there is (the non-toxic way). Those ants are coming in through our sliding doors in the living room. I tried spreading salt, cayenne pepper, sprays of vinegar, citric smelling cleaners, chalk, etc. These suggestions were obtained from the internet and I can tell you right now, THEY DON'T WORK!

Maybe it's God trying to communicate to me that I have no control of my life. It doesn't matter how well I'm educated, how much I've accomplished and how much I plan, only He has the control and He certainly should for He's the creator of the universe. Even the tiniest thing is out of my hands and now I must learn to relax and not worry. This is not easy, especially for an OCD/perfectionist like me. However, it's good to know that He who's in ultimate control is my Daddy and the best thing about it is that He's truly PERFECT :)

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