Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wherever You Are

I am at the Orthodontist office with one of my three kids. I am a volunteer counselor at a Crisis Pregnancy Center. I am doing my 4th load of laundry today. I am scrambling to put together a nutritious and delicious meal in 25 minutes again. I am explaining to my 15 year old the concern his father and I have with online Chatrooms. I am helping my 8 year old with her shower while paying my bills online. I am helping my 11 year old study for a test while getting ready for a well deserved evening out with my husband. This is where I am. Where are you?

My name is Carolina, but you can call me Nina. I am really excited to be one of the contributors at MomInspirations. I will be writing to you through devotionals designed to encourage and challenge you to live a purposeful life for God. I believe God wants us to be creative, to enjoy life fully, and serve Him with our whole hearts.

Wherever you are today, remember you are not alone. God designed you to be in communion with Him and with other women. Until we meet again, BFN. Nina

1 comment:

CarolynG said...

I was directed to this site by one of my sisters in Christ. I was blessed by the home page and by your blog. May God continue to bless you and this site, and me wherever I am.
