Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Late Night Movie Break

After a long day, I decided to give myself a little break. There were just too many things to think about, and when this happens, I usually watch a movie to get my mind to stop working. Since I'm a thinker, I find it quite difficult to get away from this secret world. Too bad the movie I watched tonight had an opposite effect. It was too much to handle so I crawled out of bed, trying to collect myself. The movie is called Becoming Jane.

I don't know about you, but I'm a die hard fan of Jane Austen. And of course, her renowned book Pride and Prejudice is my ultimate favorite book. I can't help myself. The first time I read the book was about 10 years ago, and within those years, I must've read about 20 times. Yes, twice a year I indulge myself with the book to keep my heart going.

When they made the movie, Pride and Prejudice about 3 years ago, I was a 
bit skeptical about watching it for I feared it might not do justice (as movies usually fail to do so). But I was overwhelmed by it. It truly was a masterpiece. It wasn't just a movie, it was more like art itself. Needless to say, it also is my favorite movie :) It knocked off my ultimate titles such as Roman Holiday, Sleepless In Seattle and Sabrina.

I still say Pride and Prejudice is my favorite movie, but Becoming Jane is having an unusual effect on me. It did portray very well how Jane Austen might have been like. I was able to see how and why she wrote the way she did. It was interesting. I don't think it's the way it was made, and honestly, I didn't like some of the contents. But something is definitely causing a stir in my heart and I don't know what. It's almost mysterious. Perhaps, I ought to sleep on it and analyze later. Late nights have strange influence on me. Pairing that with Norah Jones is worst for me :P

Another interesting blog I found:

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