Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Letters

Few weeks ago at our MOPS meeting, we moms got together to make beautiful journals where we can write love letters to our children. This is something I've been meaning to do, but never got around to it. Before I knew it, 7 years had passed since my first child was born, and I'm glad that MOPS had opened up the opportunity for me.

I think journaling for our children is such a wonderful thing. It's such a special way to keep and remember our precious memories of them. And somewhere along the road, as they are on the journey of finding out who they are, I think it would be very helpful for them. As I discover little but significant things about them, they can discover these tiny treasures as well.

I decided to make a journal for each of my children.

I haven't finished putting the pictures in for the last two, but I've having so much fun putting them together. I could do a little tutorial for the journal, but it's really easy to do this yourself. It's just like scrapbooking. However, if you do request for tutorial, I'd be glad to do it.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Wow, your second two journals are just as beautiful as the first two that I already got to see! These are nice enough to sell!