Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Taking Care

Lately, I have been feeling a bit burnt out. It is not that I have more than the normal activities and responsibilities scheduled or any huge project to complete. Rather, the steady stream of sickness (traveling around the family) company, and the regular day to day stress that seems to be wearing me down.

Yesterday afternoon I literally was so exhausted, mentally and physically, that I fell asleep while reading my daughter stories at rest time. She proceeded to get up, use the bathroom and go downstairs to play. Luckily my husband was working from home that afternoon and the baby was napping. Thankfully he took her on some errands with him and left me undisturbed. I slept for an hour and a half and it was pure bliss! Of course I awoke with a start and jumped up, wondering where the children were. After realizing that my husband had every thing taken care of and had let me sleep, I was singing his praises. What a great guy! I guess he saw I was exhausted too.

This was the first time I have ever fallen asleep when watching my kids, and I admit it was a bit scary. Was I getting sick (I did have a headache and after checking, a slight fever) or truly that tired?? I went to bed at 8:00 that night still feeling bone-tired, but did not sleep well.

Reflecting upon yesterday's events I realized that I had not eaten lunch or dinner, just an apple on the run. I also thought hard and could not remember if I had more than one glass of water to drink, had sat down for more than 2 minutes without holding a child, or even taken a trip to the restroom. WHOA! Wait a minute, there is no way I was really that busy all day.... is there? No.

The startling truth suddenly hit me, I had actually forgotten to take care of myself in any way...even my own basic needs, because I was so busy with everyone else. Has anyone else every been guilty of this? My mind was running on overdrive thinking about future plans, solutions to some current stressors and of course the kids. So the true reason for my recent burn out and exhaustion was revealed. I have actually been neglecting my own needs. Not wants, needs. Needs for good rest, good nutrition and even more importantly good time in the word and prayer. (More than the 10 minutes I get in the morning, on a good day!)

I am not trying to be a martyr for my family. I just got so caught up in other things. To be honest I think I also place a much lower value on my happiness, health and comfort than that of anyone else. That is definitely not being a good steward of the life God has given me. So I am turning over a new leaf. From now on, I will include myself on the list of people whose welfare, health and happiness I care for every day!!


The Queen Mommy said...

This is so good - and so true. I find myself in the same place more often than I care to be. God designed our bodies with specific needs - for Him, for rest, for good nutrition - and when we neglect to take care of ourselves, our bodies react as they are designed to, and we aren't able to do everything He calls us to. Thanks for this straightforward reminder!

Carolina said...

Hey Friend, I will pray for you, that you will become an expert of yourself. God gives us our senses to discern when something is wrong. I am glad you are learning this while your children are young. I still fight sleep at times in the evenings while hanging with my kids...as they become older, they become even more understanding. :-) :-)

bethany said...

Thanks for the prayer and encouragement Carolina!