Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Tribute

After some thoughts, I decided to dedicate this blog entry to my husband Jay. There are so many thanks I owe him in the 10 years I've known him, and I know that I haven't appreciated him as much as he deserves. Sometimes we feel that way as a wife and a mother, not being appreciated enough for what we do as we take care of our home. But I seldom think that men need the same emotional support as we do since they don't really show the need. But deep down, they do crave that kind of support especially from us wives.

I love watching how my husband interact with our kids. He's so involved in their lives, and this means a world to me as I come from a broken home at the age of 5, and never saw my Dad to this day. This, of course made me quite skeptical of men and marriage and try to distance myself as much as possible. (I can't go into how I got to this point of my life- being married with 4th child on the way since it's way too long), but being married to a man who takes God and His Word seriously in his life really changed all that. And in moments such as watching him playing tea party our girls (please don't tell him I wrote this on the blog), and playing baseball with our son has brought such healing in my life. Just as he's a great father, he's been a great husband as well. He's been cooking breakfast and doing the dinner dishes everyday on top of million things he does at work, ever since I was pregnant and this means a world to me right now. This made me realize how much of a pillar he is in our family, and his presence matters.

At our MOPS meeting few weeks ago, we talked a little about marriage and our husbands, and how easy it gets for us to neglect them because we get so tired and exhausted from doing our job as a mom. I can tell you, by the time I put the kids to bed, I'm too tired to do anything. But I remember someone mentioning, we ought to show our appreciation for what they do, even if you FEEL like they don't do anything. Even saying thanks for providing for the family means a lot to our husbands especially because it's what God has designed them to be- the breadwinner. Let me tell you, my husband nearly had a heart attack when I thanked him for working so hard to provide for us and so that I can stay home as well. I just had no idea, how touched he would be by a few words that came from my heart.

Valentine's Day is coming up, and usually, if we do something to celebrate, I've always expected him to do something to treat me well :P But this time around, I think I should repay him for all his efforts to make me happy.


Caitlin said...

Thanks for the reminder, Gina. A friend gave me advice at my baby shower: Do not forget to give your husband special attention after the baby comes. Men have a hard time when they lose their spot as the center of your attention. I think we all need to be reminded of this from time to time!

bethany said...

what a great tribute to your husband and a reminder to all of us who have been blessed with husbands. It is so easy to skimp on the attention we give them when we don't view their needs as important or immediate as the childrens'. Thank you for this reminder!!