Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year Resolutions - by Jill

On January 1st, my husband and I were having a wonderfully relaxing breakfast with my family until my sister brought up the topic of New Year resolutions. Instead of saying we wanted to lose weight we changed it to eat healthier and to avoid disappointment from failed long-term commitments, we avoided the topic of exercise. To be honest while eating healthier is something I strive for, both weight loss and exercise are secretly on my list of New Year resolutions. They may even be yours.

Today in my quiet time God reminded me of something that has even greater impact on our life because it effects the lives around us and is everlasting. Romans 14:12 tells us that "each one of us will give an account of himself to God." If you died today, what would your account look like? Would your account be something you would be ashamed of or one that glorifies God? You may say that God would understand what He sees because after all we live in a corrupt world. Besides how can we live in this world and not be defiled by it? Well, consider Daniel. Daniel was a man highly esteemed by God who resolved that he would not defile himself with the world around him. If he can do it, we can too with God's strength.

So, how about it? Will you make the resolution not to defile yourself? This means that we actively seek Jesus by spending time with Him in His word, in prayer and in fellowship with other Christian believers instead of focusing on the things that are on earth and obey His Spirit instead of the desires of our flesh.

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