Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolution?

Have I ever told you I love to read? 
Reading is not only just a hobby, but a safe haven for me.
But if you're a mother, especially of more than one (in my case it's three plus another on the way), you know how it gets with the schedules. You can hardly find time to do anything for yourself, let alone sit and relax while reading your favorite book with a cup of tea in your hand. Ha! I wish.

But for my New Year's Resolution, I've decided to squeeze in some reading. So, I did some research. What I found is called LibriVox ( ). It's a site where you can download endless audiobooks for FREE! They're mostly classics because they're from the public domain. But since I've always had heart for classics anyway, this works for me... at least for now. 

It's still not an ideal way, but as I dream of a time where I have a little more free time in my hands, this is how I get to do what I love to do :) So, if you're a reader like me, but can't find the time, check out this site and just download to your computer or your MP3 player and enjoy while you're making dinner or doing the dishes, etc. Your daily chores will become less of a chore :P


bethany said...

Great idea! I LOVE to read, but find that I don't always have the time. Have never listened to audio books before, but will give it a try (perhaps tonight when I am doing dishes, laundry and cleaning)

Sharon said...

This would be a great suggestion for someone following surgery or for a shut in. I appreciated audio books following major surgery when I was too wiped out to read, but could enjoy listening to books on tape and concentrate for longer periods of time. Ironing is another time that I enjoy audio books.