Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Power of Postive Mom

I have not shared a book review in quite some time, but the wait was worth it. Here is my pick for the month: The Power of a Positive Mom, by Karol Ladd. And it is a winner!!

The book is based on 7 principles for building your home with encouragement and love. With engaging stories and practical principles, Karol encourages moms to draw from the only true source of power....God and His word!

Personally, I sometimes struggle with keeping a positive attitude and speaking and acting out of love when things get hectic. This book is really helping me get the right perspective in order to keep my heart and attitude in line.

With so many negative influences surrounding our kids, we need to make a powerful, permanent, and positive impact on our precious children. We need to build our kids up every day! Karol does a wonderful job illustrating and breaking down some essential principles and tools that we need to accomplish this. Principles such as encouragement, prayer, and a good attitude are included. Some of these may sound like common sense, but actually applying them amidst the stress of daily like can be tough...this book can help!

Each chapter discusses a normal (even everyday) struggle and includes scriptural insight pertaining to that topic. So if you need to change your outlook on motherhood, or just be encouraged on your parenting journey, this is a great book. It is also an easy and entertaining read, that will really have an impact on you.

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