Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Super Simple Summer Treats

This summer I have been trying to do some different projects and activities with my daughter. Last week we decided to spend some time "cooking." We love cold treats in the summer.... but all the sugar in ice cream, popsicles and other frozen goodies adds up. I don't allow my daughter to eat sugary foods, so we try not to eat them either. We made an easy and delicious summer treat, frozen fruit kabobs. This is what we did:

1. Slice fresh fruit into bite size pieces (we used peaches, halved grapes and bananas, but pineapple, melon and strawberries are great too).
2. Let your kids pick which fruit pieces they want on their kabobs.
3. Push fruit pieces onto wooden popsicle sticks (if you don't have popsicle sticks, cut drinking straws in half and use these instead).
4. Place on non stick baking sheet (or line a tray with plastic wrap) and freeze for about an hour. Fruit sound not be rock hard, but just beginning to freeze.

This is the simplest version, and as my daughter is only two, it was fun for her. However, there are plenty of other ways to add variety to your fruit kabobs. For example, place yogurt in a bowl and allow kids to dip the fruit in yogurt and then choose a topping to roll the fruit in, such as crushed nuts, granola, coconut or sprinkles.

Frozen fruit kabobs make a refreshing, fun and healthy snack for the whole family. And they are a great way to add some extra fruit to your kids day.

So try out your own variations and let me know what you like best. Enjoy!

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