Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Learning to Talk 101

It's been quite fun to watch my almost two year old talk. She has been a late bloomer in this area since her older siblings have mastered this very much earlier. It's exciting to actually see her trying: she'll pay close attention to each word, then she'll repeat them. Some words she still needs to work on since only I can understand her pronunciation. But when she gets it right, you should see how her face brightens up. 

In the same way, I feel that I'm learning to talk again for the first time lately. Since I've been stuck in bed with my morning sickness, and out of my desperation I began to talk to God every moment about everything. It was as if I was going back to the beginning of my relationship with Him and rediscovering how to trust Him all over again and sharing that intimacy in our relationship. I had no busy schedule to follow nor was able to work on any of my projects, and the only thing I could do was be still and know that He is my God, and that He's taking care of me. 

Although I still am going through this sickness, and somehow it took a turn into the worst stage, I realize this is what God wanted me to remember: to seek after Him like a child and fully trust Him in everything. It's good to know that I'm not in control of anything in my life but our Almighty God is! Because one thing for sure, He does a much better job than I can ever strive for.

1 comment:

bethany said...

It is so wonderful that God uses the valleys in our lives, when we feel at our lowest point, to draw us closer to him. Sometimes it is hard for me to admit weakness as I feel that means I am defeated...thank you for being so open and sharing what God is teaching you. It is a good lesson for me too!