Friday, August 15, 2008

Thank You Lord for...

Every summer... usually halfway through July, we pack up the suburban and go to Upstate New York for a month. We, being the children and I. My dear husband stays behind and works.

He stays behind and works to care for his family. He always stays behind willingly, does his own laundry, cooks his own meals, handles the bills (which is my job when I am home), and actually sounds happy for us as we recount the day's events - swimming at the pool, having lunch with friends, and reading good books.

This summer has been different. Our eldest child was old enough to get a summer job, so he stayed behind with Dad. Dad had some long nights of working on projects with deadlines. Dad cooked, cleaned, payed the bills, and helped with carpooling. Dad also made time to watch movies, go dirt bike riding, and read with his son. And, my sweet husband was still happy to hear about our summer.

My son lived through the deadlines of Dad's projects as well as his creative meals. He also watched his dad juggle taking him to work and getting to his own appointments. He also understood that all these years we have been away playing, his dad has been there working. Recently, my son told me how appreciative he is of his dad and all he does for our family.

For all the times that I have complained about my work, Lord please forgive me. For all the times I have whined about multitasking, Lord fill my heart with thankfulness. For all the times that I felt that I had to handle the children alone when my husband wasn't available, remind me of all the times he has been available and served me selflessly. Psalm 103 reminds us to Praise the Lord, O my soul. For everything and everyone in your life, remember to be thankful. Thank you Lord for my husband, for his willingness to serve me and our family every summer. Thank you Lord for children who grow up and become aware of all we do for them.

There are seasons which seem they will never end, times when you think things will never change. Things will change and so will you. As you journey through now, remember to be thankful and show it to those who need to receive it.

1 comment:

bethany said...

Thanks for this reminder! It is easy to take for granted all my husband does to support our family and what a great father he is. I need to show him more appreciation more often.