Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I realize I've been neglecting my blog, so I'll pop an announcement to make it a bit more interesting.

I'm expecting our 4th child :)

Haven't been feeling well, in fact, I'm feeling quite miserable with my notorious morning sickness that lasts for 4 to 6 months, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I am desperate for a miracle.

I have been researching for remedies that can help me get out of this, for I've been bed-ridden for quite a while now. Not to mention can't drinking anything or eat anything, and everything smells like garbage.

Haha... exciting times, huh?

I think I'm more stressed though in waiting to hear from my doctor because there might be some complications. Am I being too factual with the online world? Well, this is what's going on right now. Meanwhile, I'm just waiting.

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