Thursday, August 14, 2008

Health Tips - from my favorite nurse

Summer colds and bugs have been going around lately. If your family gets a bug, here are some tips to help stop the sickness from spreading and hanging around your home:

1. Wash your hands, a lot, especially after coughing, blowing your nose, using the bathroom or touching another family member who is sick and always wash hands before you eat. Wash, wash, wash.
2. Wash your family's toothbrushes in the dishwasher every night while the family is sick. Cleaning your toothbrushes and getting new ones periodically is a good habit to get into even when everyone is healthy.

3. Spray or wipe door handles, faucets, sinks, toilets, tables and other surfaces with disinfectant.

4. If you have your house closed up to run air conditioning during the day, open everything up at night to let it air out.

Hope you all stay healthy!!

1 comment:

bethany said...

I never knew about how germy toothbrushes could be!