Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Father's Favorite Time

I used to think that my husband considered putting the kids to bed as just another chore that he was willing to help with after a long day. Recently he wrote the following and shared it with me, and it truly warmed my heart. Thought I would share his insights on fatherhood with you:

Lately at bedtime, my daughter only wants me to read to her from her new children’s Bible. She’s even taught her self how to say “bie-buh.” I’ve now found the most heartwarming aspect of fatherhood to date: telling my children about God’s love.

Reading these stories challenges me spiritually in seeing the God’s truth spelled out in simple terms. I get to read about the prodigal son, reminding me that God will always take us back. I also read the story of Zaccheaus, the short guy who nobody liked except Jesus. God’s love is so big, so unending, and so accepting. And he’s longing for His children to love Him back.

When we’re done, we turn off the light, close our eyes, and pray to Jesus. Then we sing “Jesus Loves Me” together as I tuck her into bed. I close the door behind me, almost I tears as I see her learning more about what has completely changed my life – the love of Jesus.


Anonymous said...

This was so beautiful. What a heart-warming, wonderful story for the father to offer his daughter - actually just like our Father did for us! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to know that dads, not just moms, get teary over beautiful moments with their children!!