Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Survive Sunday Morning Car Rides to Church

We're running late for church - - we are pulling out of our driveway 5 minutes before the service is about to begin, and we live 15 minutes from church. On the way there, one of my kids is complaining about their outfit, the other is begging us to turn back so their hair can be redone, and the third child's stomach hurts. Mom and Dad are not happy with the state of affairs and we begin to hack away at each other as well for how late it is and how unhappy we all are. We are not ready to worship.

Fifteen minutes later we arrive at church. We walk into the service "all pulled together" on the outside but our spirits have yet to be prepared. Has this happened to you? Does any of it sound familiar?

We are all guilty of disguising the inner man with the "right look" so the inner man can remain unknown, anonymous, and masked behind the busyness of life. Amidst our dual existence lies the need to be known and loved, and to be the people God intends for us to live as.

I am glad to know and be able to share with you that God desires truth in our inner parts, ... to teach us wisdom in the inmost places of our hearts. (Psalm 51: 6) He calls us to 'abide in Him, that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at his coming'. (1 John 2:28) He knows how difficult life can be, but He offers an alternative way to live and respond.

How do we get to this point so that when scenes like the one I described which are apart of life's everyday landscape happen, we continue to remain true to God and to whom He is making us to be? The first way is the most simple: start each day with praise to God. Psalm 113:3 tells us, 'from the rising of the sun to its setting we are to praise God.' Next, as I said in the last devotional I wrote to you, ' fill your mouths with the Word of God and declare his splendor, never allowing confusion to cloud your knowledge of His goodness, because He is our help'. (Psalm 63) Memorize scripture - I assure you - it will come in handy when nothing but anger and frustration exist.

When angst fills your heart, seek Him and know that He will hear you and deliver you from all of your fears. (Psalm 34:4) That's a promise. That does not mean the noise will all of a sudden cease, it means the noise inside of you will be replaced with peace.

The last thing takes time, sometimes years to really apply, but starting this now will enable you to live the way God intends. Put away the old negative responses and replace them with the 'new crucified with Christ version...'for Christ lives in me and the life I live by faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.' (Galatians 2:20)

Getting back to my Sunday morning ride to church, how could it have been different? God put on my heart to examine how I conduct myself - including when I awake, how do I prepare the night before, and how I enable others to be their best. This did not come to me on the car ride there, but the next Sunday it was time for us to worship as a family, I tried to view it a privilege to be an enabler instead of a reactionary. Lord, please help us as women to build up our families in magnificent ways for your glory. We ask this and thank you in advance in Jesus' name, AMEN.

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