Tuesday, September 30, 2008


God's grace is a marvelous thing! On my worst days I am never so bad that I cannot still receive God's grace, and on my best days I am never so good that I do not need His grace! I cannot do anything to deserve His grace, nor anything to earn it. It is a free gift, like His love. I am reminded of His grace again this morning in my life as I am in desperate need of it.....and I know it will come.
I have planned a special 'potty party' for my daughter. Lots of planning, preparation and scheduling went into it and I am excited too! However, the party is supposed to start now and my baby woke up early so his schedule is off and my little girl is still sleeping soundly in her bed. Already I am thinking, uh-oh! Sleeping in an hour and a half past her normal wakeup time often means she is not feeling well. Sick and crabby is obviously not the best mood for a toddler to start her first day in 'big - kid' panties!
Instead of dwelling on the possible negatives I am choosing to believe God has a plan for this day. Full of His grace and His love. Perhaps my daughter will wake up extra rested, extra happy and ready to learn!!! No matter what the outcome, His grace is sufficient for me. I will keep saying that throughout the day.


Caitlin said...

Good luck Bethany! Let us know how it goes!

bethany said...

Thanks! Well we both survived our first day with only a few accidents and lots of grace. Praise God! But I am exhausted.