Monday, September 15, 2008

A New Hobby

A few weeks ago I blogged about the need that myself and all moms have to pursue our own interests and hobbies so that we can grow as individuals (outside of mommy life), expand our conversations beyond diapers, feeding, potty training, new words, etc, and just keep our sanity by having "me-time." Well, I had mentioned that I was starting the new hobby of sewing, and I wanted to put in an update. I have indeed been sewing quite a bit since then and I really love it. Like anything else, it was slow-moving at first and there were definitely frustrations along the way (I would like everything to come out perfect, first time, which is impossible)! However, like anything else, when I just worked through all the mistakes and had patience while ripping out endless stitches (I assembled a bag completely inside out so that the lining was on the outside) I can already see some improvement and am enjoying the hobby more and more. I think what I love the most about sewing is that I am creating something.

I've been completely inspired by the crafty blogs that Gina has been showcasing on this site and love browsing through the little (and big) sewing projects that these women have completed. If you are interested in sewing, might I suggest that you use the Internet as a tool? I have found some free patterns/tutorials for bags, burp cloths, bibs, and baby dresses, as well as instructions on how to assemble a vast number of quilts. I even came across some instructional videos on YouTube! If anyone is looking for a new hobby, I think you should try a sewing class and see how you like it! And let me know how it's going if you do! I thought that I would end with posting some photos of a few projects I have completed. They are all made with scrap fabric my mom gave me - I can't wait to go shopping for some new fabric and get going!! The burp cloth was inspired by a tutorial on the Homemade by Jill blog: (I want to try a baby bib like hers next -- I pretty much love every project she does, including those strawberry cheesecake cupcakes! Can't wait to make those!). The little fabric buckets are inspired by the tutorial on the Vintage Ric Rac blog:

Burp Cloth:
My daughter managed to sneak into this picture!
Little quilt and blanket: Fabric Buckets:(I want to try to make handles)


Unknown said...

I love your creations! You gotta teach me!!

bethany said...

Caitlin these are great.... I love that you decided to learn, found resources and then sewed these. I am impressed!

Anonymous said...

Caitlin - thank you for sharing your time and your talents with us. I am smiling as I see how you are making an impact upon young moms in your world. You go girl!

Donna B said...

I just love it that your being so old school and cool! Everything looks great!