Monday, July 28, 2008

Poem by guest writer- Sue

The following poem reflects my long journey of last year.


In the dark night of my soul, 
Never again, I thought, would I be whole.
I called and cried, and called and cried, 
'Til I'd wish that I had died.
I could not see or hear You at all, 
"God help me" were the only words I had at all.
I waited, but nothing did I hear,
Your love for me was not at all clear.
When I needed you, I thought You'd left, 
But all along You hid me in the cleft.

Sometimes the cleft can seem so dark, 
No light comes in not even a spark.
But even though I felt You not, 
Your love for me did not stop.
Looking back somehow I know, 
I had to face this pain to grow.
Not only have I grown in You, 
Now I see Your love has brought me through.

Then, my suffering seemed senseless on the surface, 
But somehow because of it 
I have joy, peace, and a sense of purpose.
The night of suffering and sadness seemed so long,
But the morning has come 
And Your joy has made me strong.

Sometimes I fear You will not always be so near, 
But then I am reminded in the Scripture 
That Your love for me is clear.
And no matter where You bring me next, 
I believe that You always know what is best.
I'm learning to trust You more each day 
Because Your love for me is here to stay.

Now that doubt is out of the way, 
I can hear so clear Your voice each day.
I now see Your plan for me unfolding, 
It's so exciting to rise each day knowing,
You have it all worked out for me, 
Such great things I could never see.

Though the waves of life are not always fun,
You're teaching me to surf them one by one.
It's exhilarating, yet scary and sometimes even hairy,
But I am never overtaken by the wave,
Your unfailing love and protection always keep me safe.

I never look back anymore or worry about tomorrow
Because in this life we will always have sorrow.

I just thank You so much for now I see,
Every blessing that is in front of me.
I stay in the present for that is where God lives,
And His love for me no one will out give!


bethany said...

Wow sue - thank you for sharing so candidly from the depths of your heart. Your description of God's power to overcome in your life is an encouragement to me!

Unknown said...

I think this poem describes so well the reality of life: my life is not about me and how God can make it better, but rather, my life belongs to Him and how can I serve Him through it. It's so easy to lose focus when things get tough, but what a great reminder of who God is through your poem. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You poem is the epitome of what Ro 5:3-5 is all about.
We can exult in our tribulations b/c tribulations bring about perseverance and perseverance brings proven character and proven character hope - and hope does not disappoint, b/c the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Praise God for revealing this to you and for getting you through. We love you Sue.