Monday, July 7, 2008

The Little Things

Last night, my daughter of almost 12 months had a hard time getting to sleep. For many months she struggled to get to sleep on her own, and we battled through many tears and heartache until she was finally able to be left awake in her crib and fall asleep on her own. Last night, however, she started wailing just a few minutes after I put her down. My husband and I decided to leave her for a little longer, assuming she was overtired because her schedule was thrown off. Well, she kept crying. And crying, and crying and crying. I went in once, dried her tears, rocked her a bit, and after she basically fell asleep in my arms, woke up crying as soon as she was put down. We waited a little longer. I went back in, tried just soothing her while she was lying down. As soon as I stopped stroking her and left, she cried again. When I went in the next time, she was standing facing the other direction in her crib, moving around. I don't think she saw me come in, and when I leaned down to get her, she let out this frightened cry that was almost a scream because I startled her. I held her and calmed her down, then tried putting her down again. After more crying, my husband went in to give it a try. I felt that I had tried everything I could and couldn't help her anymore. She got startled when he went in as well, but soon calmed down and fell asleep in his arms. After much silence, I heard him close the door and leave the room. When he came back downstairs, he explained that he put the light on a little, then held her and prayed for her. He prayed that she would have peace and that God would protect her mind from anything that might be scaring her or preventing her from getting to sleep. She slept the rest of the night without a problem. I was ashamed and confused as to why I did not just lift my baby girl up to the Lord to help her fall asleep. I was trying to give her peace every way I could without asking for help from the Prince of Peace. I think a lot of the time I pray for "the big things" - that my daughter would know Christ, that she would grow up to be a child of God and live like one, that our relationship would always be close and loving - but I overlook praying over "the little things" - like helping her fall asleep one night. I need to remember what is written in Philippians 4:6-7 - "In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."


bethany said...

Thanks for sharing this story Caitlin. I too am sad to admit that there have been several time recently when I struggled with my kids over things that I should have just lifted up to the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Dear Caitlin,
You are not alone. Sadly, I do this all too often. Thank you sharing this. I pray God will use this to remind us all whenever we fall short of glorifying Him through our actions.

Unknown said...

This is such a great reminder of how God is our heavenly Daddy that we can share such intimate relationship with. Thank you Caitlin, for sharing your heart-felt story with us.