Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summerisms Part 2

Ha! I barely made it by two minutes. I decided to write on tuesdays/thursdays but I almost forgot :) I have to blame it on the countless list of things-to-do. Days like these, I really really wish for 40 hour day. This would give me enough time to take care of all the business, spend lots of time with kids, do all the chores plus get enough sleep. But yes, I know. All this is mere wishful thinking.

As much as I enjoy vacation days where I can spend much time with all my kids, I'd have to say, I am almost burnt-out. Well, as I think about it though, I know it's not my two older ones since they're quite independent and are able to take care of themselves. This boils down to my 22 month-old toddler, who's an expert in pushing all the wrong buttons. She's soooooo cute though, and she holds the key to getting away with a lot of things. And I realize, a lot of challenges come from that very reason. I let her get away with a lot of things. In reality, everyone in the family do it too. 

This means going back to how I was with my two older ones. I was far more strict with them than little Toddles. She's so good with manipulating us with one simple smile or kiss. We just can't resist. Even her older sibling fall into this trap :P I guess it's true with what people say. You become more lenient with the youngest child. I took a vow saying I won't do the same. But here I am, waking up to the dream that everyone falls into.

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