Friday, July 25, 2008

Who Will You Be?

Just Who Will You Be? is the title of a precious little book by journalist, Maria Shriver, who also happens to be the current California Governor's wife. In it she shares a poem she wrote for her godson's graduation where she was the keynote speaker.

She reminds us of the importance of continuing to ask ourselves "who will we be - who do we want to be - and who do we need to be" at every stage of life. The old question, "what do I want to be?" is replaced with the more relevant question which forces us to look deep within at the person God made us to be.

Shriver writes, "for me it was a moment of truth to realize deep in my soul that the old solutions - the external fixes that had motivated me for so long - just didn't work for me anymore.... Just who did I want to be? When I reflected on that question, I realized I'd been answering it wrong my whole life. I'd always answered it with my resume. But the true answer, I saw, is about my heart, my values, and my soul. Who I am, not what I am."

Take this a step further and here is the heart of which I bring before you today. There is no career, no wisdom or virtue, or performance which gain us more acceptance by God. He came to save and forgive through his life and death in our place. There is nothing we can do to make him love us more. 'When Christ died, He died for sin once and for all.... In the same way, you must think of yourselves as dead to the power of sin. But Christ has given life to you, and you live for God.' Romans 6:10-11

We do need to know ourselves though, and by knowing our gifts, 1 Peter 4:10 tells us we are able to use our gifts well. 1 Corinthians 13: 12 tells us that God completely understands us so we need to ask Him daily, "just who do You want me to be?" to seek our true self. Whatever the answers may be, and they will change from day to day and year to year, our lives should be all about following Him. There is no in between; it is either self or Christ.

What happens when you discover that the road you are traveling on, i.e. habits, choice of friends, literature and media you engage in, or occupation needs to change? Change is good but it is not easy. Shriver writes that our roles are parts of us - they are not all of us.

Thank God for all He has already given us. Ask him daily to show you from deep within who you are and who you need to be. If change is necessary, it will not happen overnight; but with God, all things are possible and as Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." He who began a good work in you will finish it in Christ Jesus. He will use his Word, others and our trials to make us more like him.

Happy Discovering God's Goodness! Nina


Anonymous said...

"It is either self or Christ" what a challenge it is sometimes to choose Christ each and every day. I am thankful for God's grace and promises for us. He has created us to be more than we can even fathom, but the process of His completion can be trying. Thank you for this devotion!

Anonymous said...

For me God keeps reminding me - "Am I glorifying my Lord and Savior in what I am doing?" In a world that thinks it is all about 'me', He reminds us it is actually all about surrendering to Him and being used for His glory. Praise God He doesn't leave us to do it all on our own, we only have to listen to His Spirit inside of us.