Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Every Day Joys III

Okay, I promise this post will be my last "EVERY DAY JOYS" series :)

I was talking with a friend of mine couple of months ago, and we got engaged in a conversation about motherhood as usual. We have many things in common but just to name a few, I'd say we're both moms of little children and we both started having babies in our early 20s. 

We both talked about how we're spending our prime years changing diapers, feeding and cleaning up after our babies while other women spend their prime years pursuing their career. Not that we were complaining about this, but we were just talking about how sometimes these thoughts come across our minds.

But then again, I was reminded that this is how we can serve God and show love to our children. Each diaper we change, each spill we clean up after, when we do our dishes, and when we play with our kids, etc.~ these are the ways we show them we love them, and they mean the world to them. 

Even when they don't realize that THEY ARE our expressions of love at times, I know that they would definitely know the difference when they're without them. So every day I remind myself, that everything I do, though frivolous they might seem at times, make a world of difference in their lives as we minister to our children and serve our Heavenly Father.


bethany said...

Thanks for reminding me that as a mom, no matter how big or how small the task at hand... I really am ministering to my children and my goal should always be to show them God's love!

Caitlin said...

This was a great post, because I am in the same position - being in my mid-twenties with a one-year old. I sometimes do think about how friends my age are all pursuing jobs and going out all the time...and how they have so much FREEDOM! But then I watch my baby sleeping or see her learn something new or make her laugh, and I realize that I would sacrifice almost anything to be where I am right now!

Anonymous said...

Amen! It's so easy to get caught up into the other things, but when we look at it, what we are doing is something that will benefit them for eternity. Thanks for reminding us of it.
