Monday, June 30, 2008

Coveiter This!

I adore good designs. That's why it makes me giddy when I find really good design blogs. It's like eating really yummy candy, you know, one of those rare Japanese goodies? I love that feeling.

I came across Coveiter. You should definitely check out this blog. I love surrounding myself with beautiful things. It's somewhat therapeutic.
Speaking of therapy, I had a good session today. Went to our Club 252 pre-k room, and basically emptied out the supply closet. I hate it when things are messy and disorganized. Can't bare to see it. But I took 6 hours  to clean out that closet, and haven't even gotten to the organizing part yet. I think I gotta go back to Organizing Junkie and learn some techniques. All I know is we need a lot of those plastic bins and label. I know they'll keep me happy.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Whole New World

Since the kids are on vacation now, I've been looking for some ways to keep them entertained. I have already set their schedules so that their mornings are filled with music lessons, summer programs, and workbook activities. But for the afternoons, I was looking for an alternative to watching TV, so I did a little research. These are the treasures I've found:

Are you familiar with iTunes?
If you own a computer or an mp3 player, you can take advantage of countless resources that both you and your kids will love all for FREE! All you have to do is download them through podcasting.

Some of the podcasts I've subscribed to:
1. Bible Stories My Kids Love (Audio Podcast)
2. Craft Magazine Podcast (Video Podcast)
3. FamilyFun TV ( Video )
4. FamilyLife Today with Dennis Rainey (Audio)
5. Fun radio Presents Nick Jr's Once Upon A Bedtime (Audio)
6. The Good Night Show (Video)
7. James Dobson on Marriage/ Parenting (Audio)
8. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Podcast (Audio)
9. The Mighty Mommy's Quick and Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting (Audio)
10. Super Why! PBS Kids (Video)
11. Blue's Clues (Video)
12. Dora the Explorer (Video)
13. Sesame Street Podcast (Video)

Podcasts are awesome! I'll be writing a follow-up entry to explain more about podcasting. Keep posted!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Grinch Who Stole 4th of July

I am not in a good mood right now. What is today's date? Last time I checked, it's not July 4th. Independence is not coming around until next week, and I seriously DO NOT understand why I'm hearing all the blasting of fire works right now.

This is not at all about the noise. I don't mind the noise as long as it's happening on the day it's supposed to be celebrated. Maybe it's my OCD talking, but I think it has to do with social etiquette. I mean, what's the point of saying July 4th is the day, when you ruin the "spirit" of it in June? That's a whole different month we're talking about!

I can't believe it's been going on for 30 minutes now. Can somebody please tell them we still have a week to go??

Friday, June 27, 2008

A Fresh Coat of Paint

The beginning of summer is marked by two things for me - my returning perennials and a fresh coat of paint on my deck. In fact, in May we begin to start preparing the surface. Then the day arrives and no one can use the back door of the house for a couple of days as the deck dries. When it is finally dry, I love to walk on the surface barefooted. The smoothness of the surface and the smell of the freshly dried paint signifies a new beginning.

But the truth is that by summer's end, all the traffic from my family's feet leaves it looking a bit worn. By fall the rain, the leaves and acorns cover it and leave stains. The winter's ice and salt ravage it, and by spring, the deck is in need of TLC again.

My deck is a bit like the earthly vessels we live in. The wear and tear of life contribute to many of us looking and feeling like my deck by Springtime. We are in need of a power wash, a good scraping and a fresh coat of paint to head into the next season of life. Think about it, no two seasons are the same and their differences create different effects on us.

What if we think we can't really take time to get that fresh coat of paint? What if life, relationship strains, the kids, no time for God, financial strains, weight gain and stress interfere with our peace? What if deep down we have never felt free and clean and fresh? First off, God offers an answer for every problem. There is nothing He can not handle. Philippians 4:6 tells us to not "...worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus". Just like your two year old will need constant reminders when you are teaching him to obey you, you too need to be reminded of God's love and provision for you. So as you tell him everything, remember He cares for you and wants to bless you. John 1:12 tells us that all who receive Christ, believe in his name, he gives the right to become children of God. To be a child of God means attaining all the rights and privileges of my freshly painted deck - a clean slate. This happens the moment we submit to him and hand Him over our lives.

Every season of my life has had its dilemmas. My husband and I have faced almost every kind of issue imaginable and I have come to realize that the answers can not be found in a good marriage, friendships, a deep love for your children, or your looks and intelligence. The answers always come from Jesus. Friendships will come and go, medical diagnoses will be made, bank accounts will go up and be drawn down, and still God's faithfulness does not change. When you are tested, you will have a chance to grow. 1 Peter 1:24-25 tells us that if we keep looking at God's perfect law to set us free, then God will bless us for doing it.

Psalm 119:105 says that His "...word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path." When a season comes upon you which ravages you and zaps your energy, take time to regularly read his word. You may have to do this when everyone is still asleep and you yourself need rest. But my dear sisters, waking for your Father in heaven, although difficult when you are exhausted, will become a reminder that Summer is coming and a fresh coat of paint is on the way sooner than you think. God's fresh coat of paint consists of peace, joy, love and patience. This will come when you give him your undivided attention. He is waiting with a fresh can of paint in his hand.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

June Spotlight

This month's Spotlight is on our beloved sister, Fran. She is a wife, mother, and a teacher and she'll speak to us today from her experiences in motherhood.

The One True Resource 

What wonderful resources we have available to us today.

We email and Google when we need to communicate or get information.

As Christians we have the most reliable and true resource: God's Word and His Promises.

"And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever." John 14:16

"The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." John 14:26

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." James 1:5

I came to know my best friend and Savior twenty-three years ago.

I only wish that I had known Him sooner.

I did not have that great resource as a mother of young children.

I stumbled and fell and made many mistakes. I did receive comfort and wisdom from my family.

But God's comfort and His wisdom are what truly give us peace.

We may stumble. We may make mistakes.

But He is there to pick us up, set us back on track and show us His way.

So if you are the mother of infants, toddlers, teenagers, or even adults, tap into that wonderful resource that God has given us.

Seek His help.

Read His word.

Ask for His wisdom.

~ Fran

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Modest really is Hottest

You know, it's amazing that after being the champion for the first annual Modest is Hottest fashion show event at our church, you would think that only modest clothing would go out on my girls and myself. We received many points at that event(hosted by Shari Braendel from Proverbs 31) on how to dress modestly and still be attractive. It was a wonderful night for moms and their daughters including my sweet 5 year old who sat right in the middle, front,positioned directly in front of the runway. She was paying very close attention that night.

About 2 weeks ago, I was in a local store picking up swimming trunks for my just about two year old son. As I walked through the store, I began to get distracted by all the OTHER clothes that were hanging on the racks...."cute" girls clothing.  Does this happen to anyone else? Am I the only one who gets distracted by the never ending lines of clothing for girls? In my distraction and fascination with the "cute" clothing,  I picked out a halter top/skort set for my five year old and checked out. NO problem right? Wrong.

When my daughter came home from school that day, I showed her my "cute" purchase and she was pleased. The next morning as we were getting ready for school, she thought that the outfit I bought for her would be nice on a hot day. She came in to show me how she looked and it was at that moment that my distraction of yesterday was going to be a major problem today. To get right to the point, the outfit showed too much leg and back. Something that I would have caught if i was paying attention...or better yet, if I didn't get DISTRACTED and just bought the trunks for the boy!I attempted to explain myself in front of her and my husband who was a bit confused at the exchange. She finally said to me in tears," Mom why would you buy me something that isn't modest?" With my husband silent and my daughter looking at me brokenhearted, I was cut to the quick. Why DID I buy that outfit? Isn't it my job to protect her? Isn't it my job to teach her how to dress, always seeking the Glory of God? Well, I had failed that day. She was right and I was wrong.

God was merciful bringing this question up again for me because it is something that I as a women and mom will be confronted with daily since I live in a culture that has every option available to cloth myself and my children. The appeal to the flesh is strong sisters! What I need to remember is that I am being dressed from the inside out by the King and how I dress on the outside reflects what kind of dress is going on inside. "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support whose heart is completely His." 2 Chronicles 16:9. If my heart is completely His then as a family, we should reflect that in our choice of clothing. "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do( dressing myself or kids), do ALL for the Glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Sometimes it takes a child's rebuke to get it straight. I have learned many things through my children over the years as God continues in His mercy, compassion and love to refine me and remind me through His Word not to conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind so that I may prove what the will of God is; that which is good, acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Thank you Father, for caring about what I look like and what my daughters look like. May we, Oh God, as mothers treasure You so that we may love You more than our own fleshly desires.  May our devotion be pure to you Jesus and would You continue in your mercy to show us how to care for our beloved children whom You have chosen especially for us. To You be the Glory! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Weekend

This is why I'm still recovering from the weekend and have been neglecting to blog :)
#1 @ Sala

#2 Family Visit
I love my girls!

I had so much fun this weekend and I feel so refreshed. I hope this will last through the next two months of busyness. Today is the last day of school for my daughter, which means all the busy summer activities start next week. But I'm glad to be able to spend more time with my kids. One the two older ones start school in the fall, I know I'll miss them tremendously. I just hope that we'll make lots of fun memories during the next two months.

Book Reviews

I will be starting a new feature on Mom Inspirations- book reviews. I would love to hear your feedback on the kinds of books you would like to see reviewed. Books for your kids, books for you, fiction, non-fiction, or even children's videos. Please let me know what would be helpful to you.

For starters, I have chosen to review a book that is great to read with your young children, especially siblings. Next time I will review a book that is something for us moms to enjoy on our time (whenever we might have it).Annie Rose is My Little Sister, is a warm and funny story about about a brother and sister. We found Shirley Hughes' words and illustrations to be relatable and enjoyable for the whole family. My two year old, her four year old friend and his dad, and her six year old neighbor and her mom all found the story captivating. The 4 year old and 6 year old who read this book said that they, "liked the pictures," and related to many of the things in the story - "my brother does that," and "we play hide and seek too."

I admit that I have practically memorized this 30 page book, as my daughter has requested me to read it to her several times a day since we brought it home. What I loved about this story is that is really captures the feeling of love between siblings and family in a subtle way. Rather than simply saying "Annie Rose is my little sister and I love her," the author paints a picture of that love through illustrations and observations of the the everyday things the children do together. The story also touches on some things that the older brother finds annoying about the little sister sometimes. For example, "Annie Rose always want to play with my toys - she seems to like them better than her own." But he also praises her for what she can do and says that when she is sad he's, "the only person who can cheer her."

Overall, Annie Rose is My Little Sister, is a loving story about the bond between siblings that will go on, "forever...even until we're grown up." I enjoyed reading it with my family.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Little Mess

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

"Beauty is only skin deep."

I'm sure you recognize these sayings. They are telling us that "It's not what's on the outside, but what's on the inside that counts." This is such a simple lesson that I have heard countless times in my life in a million different ways, but it took watching my innocent little daughter playing for me to truly understand it.

Whenever I take my 11-month old daughter out, I usually have her dressed up in a cute outfit. Now that it's warm, I like to put her in sundresses, or cute shorts and shirts. She almost always has a bow in her hair and matching adorable shoes on her feet. What's funny is that to me, she doesn't really look like herself in those clothes. When we're hanging out at home, I usually put her in a onesie, or just a diaper because it's so warm. Her hair (which is extremely wispy and wavy) goes every which way, especially right in her eyes. She usually has drool running down her chin and sticky hands from constantly chewing on them. However, when she is in this sad state, I feel that she is truly herself. She is constantly in motion and has no regard for the hair in her face, the drool on her chin, or the stickiness of her hands. And I love that she doesn't care about looking disheveled. I usually groan playfully to my family and friends how she is a little messy tyrant, but I am secretly in love with her innocent disregard for her appearance.

I, on the other hand, care way too much about what other people think of the way I look. While watching my daughter playing the other day, with her usual unawareness of her appearance, I realized that I could learn a lot from trying to adopt her attitude. Now I don't intend to leave the house looking like a disaster, but I need to remember that God does not care about makeup or the latest fashion or my weight, but He cares about who I am, the real me, the messy me. Like my baby daughter, I need to claim the attitude that it doesn't matter how I look, but who I am. I am praying that God will keep reminding me, and all of us mothers, of this truth.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Today was my son's last day at pre-school. When I went to pick him up, it was rather very emotional for the children, their mothers, and the teachers. I was very touched at the sight of the teachers as they were saying goodbye to the little ones they shared their lives with. You'd think that they'd feel somewhat relieved at the fact that they no longer have to deal with taking care of highly active pre-schoolers. But I was so surprised to see that they were teary eyed as they were sending them off to another stage of life. What a picture... I am so thankful for these great teachers. It's not only the academics they lay out in the students' lives, but their action- in this case, a teacher's love speaks louder than words. I guess in this way, I must also remember at all times that my actions speak louder than words and they will be scribed in our children's memories for the rest of their lives. On this note let's say goodbye until next week. Have a blessed weekend.


The Temptation of Summer Free Fall

I have 4 kids, Beth is 17 (almost 18), Danielle is 15 (almost 16, if you please), AJ is 11 (and a half) and Joy is 8 (could you say, "and a half" for me too, Mommy.) We live in NY state and our school year includes practically every secular and religious holiday known to men, so school starts the day after the day after Labor Day and continues through the end of June. This makes for some great conversations toward the end of the year:

"Mom, why do we still have to go to school when it's summer?"

"You don't have to go to school in the summer."

"Mom, when does summer start?"

"When school is over."

"Mom, what's the summer solstice?"

"It's the day of the year with the longest duration of sunshine." (keep it simple, sweetie)

"Mom, when's the summer solstice?"

"This year it will be June 20th."

"Mom, why did you say we don't go to school in the summer when we have a whole week of school after the summer solstice?"

Dang, walked right into that one, didn't I? Have to pay closer attention to the questions I'm asked while trying to listen to a book on MP3 and rooting through the freezer for something to cook.

While the kids and I are all looking forward to the freedom from schedule that summer provides, I realized a few weeks ago that I will experience something that I haven't experienced for a really long time. Beth & Danielle are going on a mission trip to Mexico to build houses and AJ is going to be at Northern Frontier... the very same week! I will be the parent of just one child for a week. It's been 15 years since I have had only one child around and Joy has never experienced being an only child. It's been interesting to plan with her exactly what we will do while they're all gone.

At first my husband and I told the older kids that since they would be away and there would be only be the 3 of us, we could finally afford Disney World! Their horrified expressions gave way to smirks as they realized that there was "no way" we would do anything as mean as that to them. Since then, Joy and I have discussed buying a really "girlie" video game (something with flying pink ponies, or bunnies, or Barbie) which we can play on one of the various game stations (owned and fiercely protected by her siblings), going to the beach/pool/park everyday, getting a puppy (dream on, kid!), having a summer birthday party (her birthday is in December), watching Wall-E and Kit Kittredge (which come out while the others are away), visiting my parents in Nevada, going horseback riding, planting flowers, and learning to cook soup in the microwave and grilled cheese on the stovetop. Our summer is a vast open horizon with very little planned for the times that are ordinarily occupied with school. Joy has some ambitious plans... unbeknownst to her, my selfish side is also planning.

I love to sleep. Unfortunately, only one of my children loves to sleep as much as I, and Joy is not that one. I have been known to ask my sleep-interrupting children, if they are either bleeding or on fire and, once I have been assured that neither affliction is upon them, threaten them with dire consequences, turn over, and fall back to sleep. I can easily spend 10-12 hours sleeping but I know that at the end of the week, I will regret all of the things I "had" the time to do, yet passed over doing. As the summer draws closer and closer, my prayer is that God would direct my plans because I am very, very good at going into free fall. This will be a great challenge with the price of gas making staying at home, where my computer and my bed tempt me continually, so financially appealing. I hope that I am alone in this dilemma of how best to spend my time, but I'm pretty sure that I am not. So, sisters, repeat after me: "Lord, help me to love my children, more than I love myself... and deliver me from the puppy trap!"

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Girlfriends In God by Jill D.

I make it a habit to read, "Girlfriends in God" from every morning. On this particular morning the author wrote about her neighbors who had helped each other through their fights with cancer. Reading this story reminded me just how amazing our Father in heaven really is. You see, in September of 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and that November I had a double mastectomy, with chemotherapy following. 

But as I said, we have an amazing God. You see, He had prepared me scriptures I knew I had to memorize, but didn't ask why I needed to. One of the verses He gave me was, "and we know that God causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love God,...TO BECOME CONFORMED to the image of His Son" (Romans 8:28-29). 

God also gave me an amazing prayer partner who faithfully met me every week so that I was able to pour out my heart and ask God to keep my eyes off of myself and onto Him through all I was going through. I was able to look with confident expectation at my GREAT, GREAT, FATHER to see how He was going to use this trial in my life.

I have come to realized that God has told me over and over again to take my eyes off of everyone else and every else around me and fix them onto Him, "let us lay aside every hindrance and sin that easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race marked out for us, fixing out eyes on Jesus Christ the author and perfector of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2) Only when I do this can God help me through each situation and grow my faith in Him.

I find the toughest situations are those that deal with my children. It is far easier for me to let go of my life and give it to God, but for me to let go of my children, well, that is something I still continue to struggle with. Yet, I know that I have heard God tell me to get out of the way, "what's it to you, you follow me!" (John 21:22). I have to remember they are HIS children, not mine, and I have to let Him have His way with them so they too can grow. The greatest thing we can do is pray for them, and it is never too late to start, "lift up your hands to Him for the life of your little ones" (Lamentations 2:19).

Let's try this together:
1. Read through the Bible slowly, asking God to show you what He wants to show you.
2. Commit to memorize any verse that God is making it "jump out" at you while reading.
3. Find a prayer partner that you can keep you accountable so you can develop an intimate relationship with God.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Girls NIte Out Pics

I wish I had more pictures to describe all the fun we had. 

This pictures shaken due to me laughing at I don't know what Leslie's doing :D 

We want to hear from you!

Hello Moms!

It's been about 10 days since we've launched MOM Inspirations! We want to know if you're enjoying what we're doing here so please email us or leave a comment to let us know :)

Thankful that my weekend plans were ruined

Have you ever had one of those weeks, where you just couldn't wait for the weekend? Of course, we have all had those, but I was really looking forward to this past weekend. My plan for Saturday was to get some things done around the house, enjoy the beautiful weather outside with my kids, then head out for a very overdue Girl's Night. Sunday morning we would go to church, come home and celebrate Father's Day together (which included a surprise meal for just my husband and I). I was so excited to have a fun dinner out with the girls, then pamper and surprise my husband for Father's day. Well, as is the case with many of the best plans....the weekend did not turn out exactly as I had pictured.

Wednesday my almost two year old daughter came down with a fever. I gave her some Tylenol and did not think much more about it.... until the evening when her temperature was 105 which lead to a trip to the doctor. We were told she had a throat infection...not strep, just a virus. "No problem," I told myself, "she'll be better by the weekend."

By Saturday morning my 12 week old son also had a fever, my daughter was covered in a rash that was now breaking open and I was definitely sick. So although my original plan called for getting some things done in the house and relaxing outside.... the house became even messier than it was and I did not get outside at all. To make things worse, I was just crabby... I get that way when I don't feel well, and my kids did not nap well so they were crabby. It was a house full of "sick and tired," and my poor husband was probably getting sick and tired of us. I bickered with him on an off during the day about silly things.

By Saturday evening I had given up. Not only was I missing my night out, but the weekend would be ruined. It was obvious that I would not make it to church in the morning and my Father's day plans were shot too. Needless to say I was quite disappointed and was starting to feel angry. "Why did we have to get sick this weekend," I complained, "what awful timing!"

On Sunday morning, I managed to wish my husband a Happy Father's day before he left very early for church (church is his work), apologizing that I had not made him a nice breakfast... or any breakfast at all. So much for pampering him on Father's Day. I said a very long prayer expressing my frustration and asking God to give me strength and possibly even joy for the day. Not exactly the day I had planned; home alone with 2 sick kids. The kids were surprisingly quiet though, and I actually had time for some personal devotions and more prayer. I happened across 1 Peter 5:7 which tells us to "cast all [our] anxiety
on Him, because He cares for [us]. I was reminded of a kid's praise song from when I was young:
I cast all my cares upon You
I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet
And anytime I don't know what to do
I will cast all my cares upon You

Such a simple, but profound little chorus. I sang it a few times
with my daughter as we sat together on the couch. She loves when I sing to her. We smiled and laughed with each other... it was a beautiful moment. The next moment however, was not so beautiful. My daughter tensed up and starting twitching. It took a couple seconds for reality to hit... my little girl was having a seizure. "Oh, Lord help me," I was crying as I held her. It may have only been 90 seconds or so, but the time passed as if it were hours. Then she lay limp and still in my arms. I called her name and rubbed her cheek.... she opened her eyes slightly and sighed. She breathed slowly and deeply, eyes closed. And then I breathed again too.... slowly and deeply. Eyes closed, I prayed and that little chorus "I cast all my cares upon You," ran through my head.

Soon a million thoughts flew through my head, and I wanted to spring in to action but had to slow down in order to decide what to do. "I cast all my cares upon You. Lord help me think clearly," I prayed. I called our doctor, who was in the office, and he assured me that she would be fine and instructed me to bring her to the office. Still trying to collect myself, I carried each of my little one to the car and strapped them in. As I drove out of my driveway and past my church, I saw one person leaving and it dawned on me that there were many people inside who could help. I had not even thought of it. I brought the baby in, told a friend I needed to take my daughter to the doctor, asked her to watch my son and left.

While driving, I called my husband to fill him in. I was surprised by how calm I was on the phone. By the time I carried my little girl into the doctor's office she was responsive and looking around. She received immediate and thorough care. The doctor confirmed that it was just a febrile seizure due to her high temperature, which albeit scary, would have no lasting effect on her. By the time my husband came home from church, my daughter greeted him happily and was excited to give him his Father's day card. By later afternoon she was running around, playing, dancing and completely wonderful.

Sunday may not have been the Father's Day I planned, but it was the one that my Father in heaven planned. He ordered my steps and was in control. I can see it in every tiny detail. And so I am thankful, very thankful that my weekend plans were ruined.
I am thankful that His plan was in place... not mine.
I am thankful that I was home with my daughter this Sunday morning, not at church.
I am thankful that I experienced wonderful time alone with God.
I am thankful that my devotions at home reminded me of a kid's song I have not heard in years.
I am thankful that I sung that praise song with my daughter.
I am thankful that that song stayed in my head.
I am thankful that God reminded me to "Cast all my cares upon Him," right when I needed to.
I am thankful that my doctor was in the office on a Sunday when I called.
I am thankful the first person left the church service at the exact time I was driving by.
I am thankful that God is in control, and not me.
I am thankful that I have a daughter, a son, a family.
I am thankful that my children are in His hands, not mine.
I am thankful that my daughter is all right.
I am thankful that my daughter is alive.
I am thankful that I am alive.
I am thankful!

ou hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. ~ Psalm 139:5

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Meal Planning Introduction

This is the first segment on meal planning that we are going to have on the Mom Inspirations blog! I decided that in this first post I am just going to go over some tips that I have for planning weekly dinners, and in the future I hope to post my own meal plans, recipes, and perhaps grocery lists as well, if you want to follow along with me. Although I have only recently started putting time into trying to be organized with weeknight dinners and cut costs at the grocery store, I know that a number of moms that I speak to don't plan their meals at all. So feel free to give me feedback too and share your own tips in the comments section.

I first want to say that I find it extremely important to decide before the week begins what dinners you will be having (I usually take an hour or so on Thursday or Friday). This way, you can create a comprehensive shopping list that covers all of the food you will need for the week. That way, you only make that big trip ONCE a week, and do not have to run out for that box of pasta or head of cauliflower that you didn't realize you needed. I like to look at the supermarket circulars to see what sales they are having, and that usually helps me to determine what we will be eating that week.

If I see that all canned tomatoes are on sale, I know I'm making sauce. If there's a big chicken sale, then a few chicken dinners are probably going to be on the menu. I also check the sales because it's good to buy extra of a product when it's on sale. For example, if I know I'm having a big bbq in a few weeks, I'll check for a buy one get one free hot dog sale, cheap hamburger meat sale, cheap chicken sale (examples) and stick them in the freezer until my bbq.

Freezers are wonderful when it comes to saving money on meat. Most supermarkets have a meat section with 3 lbs.+ packages that cost less per pound. I like to look for meat that is already on sale - so if they are offering chicken breasts on sale for $1.99/lb., the big buy package will be even cheaper per pound. Then I separate it into meal-sized portions and freeze them in ziploc freezer bags. (Another great tip I just learned from a more experienced mom-chef is to freeze any leftover veggies that you have and then use them later in stew.) If you have a big family that will be eating 3 lbs. of meat within two meals, just do a double-duty dinner (Rachael Ray's term, not mine).

Double-duty dinners are an excellent way to ensure that you never waste food. (Picture those tupperware containers stuck in the back of your fridge that hold that three-week old leftover beef dinner or last week's stir-fry). Rather than just reheat that chicken and rice dinner you had Monday, you can turn it into something new and tasty. For example, one night I made a sour cream chicken dish (courtesy of my church cookbook) with a starch and broccoli. Two days later I made a cheese sauce from butter, flour, milk, and shredded cheese, then mixed it in a casserole dish with the cubed, leftover chicken, leftover broccoli, and some pasta I boiled. I crushed Ritz crackers on top, and baked it. I had then eliminated all of the leftovers from my first dinner, but it tasted very different. (I actually had enough leftovers to make two of these casseroles - one is in the freezer for a quick meal another night). The trick is to anticipate the amount of leftovers you will be having so that you can plan the "leftover makeover" meal. A friend of mine (contributing writer Carolina) just told me she bought a big package of ground beef and cooked it all one night. She used some to make tacos the first night and the rest to make meat sauce another night! She was surprised at how much faster dinner got on the table when she just used the leftover, pre-cooked meat.

One last note on saving money on your groceries: it is great to clip coupons, but only if you're going to use them. Someone gave me a coupon binder as a gift recently, and it has been very helpful. There are plastic pocketed pages inside that I can slip coupons into by category. Don't get me wrong - I am a very inexperienced coupon user. I have seen coupon experts on TV that go into a supermarket and end up lowering their bill from $100 to $5 because of the coupons they use, and I have no idea how! But it is useful to look up coupons on or sometimes on the manufacturer's website. However, I cannot offer much advice on that subject!

I think this is a good place to end this post - next time I will be posting my weekly meal plan and recipes, as well as a grocery list. I hope until then you have some new tips to put into practice!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Ministry Girls' Nite Out

On Saturday, several of us "ministry girls" got together for dinner. I must say, the food was AMAZING! (Thank you Kim) We went to Steve's Piccola Bussola , an exceptional 'authentic' Italian restaurant. Those of you who know me well, must be fully aware of the fact that I'm a fanatic for Italian cuisine. The food was fantastic there and absolutely loved the interior decor. It's a family-style restaurant, which I love, but I suggest going there with a big group unless you plan to bring a huge bag of leftovers.

I took some pictures but somehow I'm having trouble uploading them. Oh well, perhaps I can update them later.

Wee Wonderfuls

I came to a realization not too long ago, that I'm secretly in love of exploring the ever-so-grand world of blogs. There are so many interesting blogs out there packed with enriching materials about anything and everything. I personally enjoy Christian mom blogs, photo blogs, design blogs, and quilt/craft blogs. Today, I have found a really interesting blog that I instantly fell in love with. Let me introduce you Wee Wonderfuls.

This is a craft blog that I absolutely adore. I think her creations are quite classy yet crowned with a modern twist to it. I hope to be engaged in making these treasures in a few years for I am a fan of crafts and I love creating beautiful things.

I'd love to make baby clothes like 
this cute paisley one for my Toddles shown on top.

I admire Hilary Lang for being able to do all these things AND take care of her children. From her blog entries and her wonderful photos (she's quite the photographer too), she seems like a super mom :) My favorites are her handmade dolls and quilts. She also has paper dolls ( my source of happiness from childhood).
For more of Wee Wonderful creations, click here.

This is a good reminder for me from time to time of how we resemble our Daddy's image. How He loves to create beautiful things for us to enjoy just as we love to create and be surrounded by delightful things. Isn't our Dad truly AWESOME? He's created to express His love for us and let His presence be known in each of our lives. He shows us everyday, every moment of our lives through the lovely flowers, the faces of our husbands and children, through sunrise and the sunset, etc.  As we celebrate Father's Day each year, I hope that we would always remember our heavenly Father who deserves the ultimate celebration and praise.

*Images posted from Wee Wonderfuls


I am Proud of You!

How many of you have told your children that you are proud of them? This is something that I haven't told my children yet and I'm not sure I want to tell them. Yet my husband has been telling our three-year old daughter that he is proud of her whenever she does something impressive and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't like to say, "I'm proud of you" because I feel like I'm teaching my daughter to be prideful. So I'm curious to know how you feel about this.

Isn't it enough for my children to be praised when they do something good? Isn't it enough for them to know that I love them unconditionally and they are the most important thing in the world? Whether or not I teach these things, my children will learn about pride, greed and all these sinful feelings from society, and I don't think I want to teach my children to be prideful. I have seen other people's children growing up prideful with conceit at an early age, because their parents have installed that feeling in them and I don't want to see my children growing up that way.

Please don't misunderstand. I'm not saying I am never going to say that I am proud of my children. When they are old enough to know what it means and if they need to hear it, I will tell them. But I just don't think it's important for them to hear it so early on when they don't know what it means.
My parents have never told me that they were proud of me and I never felt the need to hear it or wished they would tell me that. This could also be a cultural thing but I just don't want to bestow unnecessary emotions to our children when they are so innocent.
If my children are going to boast about something, I want them to boast about God, not about themselves. I want them to be proud that they are lucky to know about God when there are so many unfortunate children in third world countries, who have been deprived of the privilege to know God at all. I want to bring my children up under God's grace in a faithful christian household because it's important for me for them to have faith in their early age. I want to teach my children to sing praise songs, read the bible, and pray daily because I never had that in my childhood so sometimes I feel like I have missed out.
As a mother of two young children, I feel like it's important to educate them at home because I believe education starts at home and not elsewhere. Most people think that real education starts in schools but I disagree. They may learn academics and socialization in schools but how their personality develops and how they grow as an individual is or should be taught at home.
I hope I have given you something to think about.

Friday, June 13, 2008

We'll be seeing you...

Finally, the weekend is here. Mom Inspirations will bring you encouragements from Monday to Friday each week. So, have a great week y'all and see you Monday!

A Chick Flick You Will Not Find at Blockbuster

With or without humor, I love a good romance film. "You've Got Mail", "Pride and Prejudice", "The Wedding Planner", "Sabrina","Sense
and Sensibility", "Emma", "Enchanted", "Shall We Dance?" - they've all got it. "It" is the fulfillment of the longing between a man and woman that is culminated when they admit their true feelings for one another. The journey is great, but for me when they finally let the secret out - it is as if your love index hits an all time high.

We all have this need. The need is to be fulfilled, to be loved, to be cherished, to be guided and to be accepted by someone. Do you remember when the love of your life first told you how he felt about you? The slightest touch of his hand, the look in his eyes, and his lips were all directed toward you. Your longing was filled and complete - or it seemed that way. For a time, you became so focused that you lost sight of everything else.

As much as you may be in love with the "one" true love of your life, he will or already has disappointed you to some degree. Does that mean you no longer love him? Sometimes the answer is yes, but most of the time we stick it out, for we realize there are peaks and valleys in this journey of love. However, if we dig deeper,to those secret places that we keep hidden from others and even try to hide from God, we will find that what we think we need, we already have. God created us to need others and to need Him. We just have a way of getting in the way, and we do not love the person God made us to be, and then find it difficult that anyone can love us as we are. We want something that we perceive others to have.

Psalm 103:11 says, "we are loved by God". The bible also says throughout that we are beloved, adored, and highly thought of by God. God longs for you, for your whole heart. He loves you, knows you, and he chose you. 1 John 4:10 tells us, "this is love. It is not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."

Learning to love and accept yourself as a woman begins with God. He desires to have a relationship with you so He can develop you into the woman He desires to bless you to be.

Application: Taking God's words as truth will begin you on your journey of Godly fulfillment. Read Hebrews 11:1; Ephesians 3:16-21; and 1 John 4:7-8Ask God to fill you with His Spirit as you read His word, and give you faith. He will set a seal upon you - and no one will ever separate you from His love. Tell Him you want to believe in His goodness. He wants to know you and enable you to say 'Christ loved me and died for me'. Finally, share this love with those around you. I promise you - this type of love will be eternally better than a chick flick from Blockbuster.

I would love to hear from you. Please send your comments and questions. Until the next time, BFN - Nina

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blog Promotions

We are very busy promoting our blog all around the web. You can see some of the blog directories we are now a part of on the right side of our site. If you also like our blog, please spread the word!
  Mom Inspirations~ To inspire a Proverbs 31 living in moms every day.

May 29, 2008 by Michel T.

Today I chased my 2nd grader and 5th grader out the door after a frantic 1/2 hour of sandwich-slapping, snack-picking, tooth-brushing, hair-combing, and shushing, "Daddy's sleeping!" every 2-3 minutes. I didn't have to go to work, Bible study, SCA meeting, or any of my usual responsibilities, so I enthusiastically hopped back in to bed to indulge my laziness. At 10 AM, my husband grabbed the phone and after a few minutes made it upstairs to the bedroom to gently awaken me with the news that the Secondary School was under lockdown after a student witnessed 2 other students with a gun in a lavatory. He was going to ride his bike over to see what was happening. 

Shortly after my husband left and his words came together in my sleep-fogged brain, I began talking to God and reminding Him whose kids were in potential danger. See, I also have 10th and 11th grade daughters who I rarely see in the morning since they are very disciplined at getting themselves to school. They leave by 7:45 AM and I roll out of bed at 8 AM. I am very proud of this accomplishment of theirs, because I love my sleep. After a few minutes I realize that my body posture is not at all reflective of my emotions and slide out from under the covers to kneel by the bed. The phone rings again and it is a friend who heard about the incident and asks if I am okay. I am praying, so I tell her that I am fine because I am praying. Shortly after, I receive an automated call from the school detailing the morning's incident and requesting that we not call or come to the school. I'm okay with this because I am still praying. I then receive a call from another mother who also has children in the school and she sounds on the edge. I don't think I do a very good job of comforting her and debate calling her back but can't quite summon up the energy to try and track down her phone number. Besides she's at the school and she'll probably see my husband and he can do a better job of comforting her anyway. He's a pastor.

As I prayed, I kept reminding God of the hours I spent wrestling with Him over possession of each of my children. I sat in my rocking chair with each of them during those precious midnight feeding hours and cried while I argued with God about who loved them more and who would care for them the best. I accused Him of not caring as much as I did, not always preventing bad things, not being kind and compassionate. Those were hard words and hard times, but today was a day when I took comfort in those times, I had already fought that fight and God had already won. My kids are His to do with as glorifies Him.

I was concerned for my children and listened for news on the radio, searched the internet, and kept the phone close, but I didn't have the paralyzing fear that I can imagine has been felt by others in similar circumstances.

Once I felt well and truly prayed-out, I got up and got dressed. I saw my husband sitting at the table and he gave me an update on what he saw. Then we heard the helicopters and sirens. He decided to once again head back to the school and called me to let me know that the news helicopters had arrived. The Assistant Superintendent made an announcement assuring parents that the students were fine, confined to classrooms, had access to restrooms and would be fed shortly. My husband saw the Student Ministries leader, Tyler, from our church and Craig, the local Campus Life/ YFC leader, at the school and called to update me. 

I volunteered yesterday to take a friend to a doctor appointment. I pick her up and we talk about whether or not we are "bad parents" to be going about our day while our children are in an uncertain situation. We know that we have a great God. We agree that God is able to work this situation out to His glory whether we are standing at the school or going about our day.

I arrived home shortly after my girls and walk in to hear them telling their stories to their father. They are fine and even a little bit excited about the commotion. I pack away this incident, as I have so many others throughout their lives, so that in future I can pull it out and remind God of the many ways He has shown His faithfulness. I am not naive and I am not deceived... I know that bad things happen to children every day and that my own children are not excused from this reality. But I have a God who is a GREAT GOD and He is teaching me to trust Him. I know that whatever fate meets them on this earth, there is no one who can snatch them from God's hand... not even me.

My Little Girl is Growing Up

Today, I finally received a letter from the Board of Education letting me know which school my daughter has been accepted to start Pre-K in the fall. I have been waiting impatiently and anxiously to find out if Kate could attend Pre-K at the school closest to us, which is P.S. 32 but no such luck. She has been accepted to attend P.S. 107, which is only a block away from the house but on the other side of a major intersection making my trip more challenging and difficult.

This would not be an issue if I didn't have my little one. But the idea of taking my 20-month old out everyday on a stroller through the rain and snow is very repulsive to me. So now I'm debating on sending Kate to a private nursery, which is not any closer but it's a better walk since I don't have to cross a major intersection. It's a half day program but they also have parking in the rear, which is always a plus!
But as I was weighing my pros and cons I wondered if I was being selfish not thinking what Kate would want. Even though she is only three years old, she knows what she wants and she definitely has an opinion of her own. I definitely know she wants to go to school because she has been telling me everyday. But I don't know if she wants to be in school all day from 8:00-2:20pm. Personally, I don't think she has to be in a full-day program because she is only starting Pre-K and I don't think she is going to be getting a 'real' education yet.
So I decided to leave it up to her. So I said, "Are you going to miss mommy when you go to school?" And she said, "No, I'm not. I'm going to miss daddy because I love my daddy." I wanted to give her a time out but I couldn't blame her for being honest with me since it's not her fault she is daddy's little girl.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baby Talk

There is something so special about teaching your baby how to talk. From choruses of gibberish moving on to real words can be such an exciting time for children as well as parents.

I love watching my kids learn something new and seeing how their eyes lit up. Especially if you take a good look at toddlers, you can see how they absorb all life around them. 

My 21 month old toddler is at this stage right now. Although she keeps me tremendously busy since I gotta tag along in her explorations all day, I understand how satisfying and delicious it is to discover something new. Maybe that's why I love traveling so much.

These are the words that my toddler has learned so far:
tha tha (thank you)
bee (not referring to an insect but she really means "please")
her sibling's names
mommy (which is pronounced 'mom mee' and I love it :P )
dirty ( could this be my OCD influence?)
do re ( as in do re mi)
where is it?
there it is!

And many more to come, hopefully :D

Every Day Joys

I was reading this awesome Christian Magazine called life:beautiful today and I was quite inspired by this one article called 101 Everyday Joys. She talks about her Grandmother who's been through many difficult hardships in life ( such as loss of spouse, a newborn and later a son). Yet, she had retained her love for God without losing faith in Him by focusing on the everyday joys of life. She lists 101 everyday joys that keep her going through the difficult times. Here are some of my favorite ones from the list:

- Looking at old family photos and remembering good times.
- Listening to the birds sing as the sun rises.
- Doing any job to the best of your abilities and finishing early.
- Playing board games with your family.
- Covering a casserole with foil to put into the freezer for a future meal and knowing your family will be eating healthier for it.
- Talking at the dinner table after the meal is done.
- Reading a really good book.
- Seeing old friends.
- Holding a new born baby.
- Brushing and styling your daughter's hair.
- Giving away something you love to someone who needs it more.
- Putting fresh sheets on every bed in the house.

Here are my 30 everyday joys. ( Can't do 101 since my entry is already long!)
1. The way my children smell right after a bath.
2. Cuddling with my kids early Saturday mornings in bed.
3. Watching my children as they learn something new and profound.
4. Dinner Parties
5. Drawing and doing crafts with my kids.
6. Baking cookies.
7. Planning for everything and accomplishing my goals.
8. After vacuuming, being able to stand without spotting any  Hot wheels, cheerios, or books on the floor.
9. Aroma of coffee in the morning.
10. Late nite snacks with my husband.
11. Having lunch with friends.
12. Listening to Jazz or Opera.
13. Playing an instrument
14. Taking pictures.
15. The smell of rain.
16. Displaying all the kids' artworks and secretly suspecting the kids actually might be geniuses :P
17. Starting a brand new journal. ( Perhaps this is why I keep countless journals and never be able to finish one).
18. Taking nature walks with family.
19. Reading to my children.
20. Listening to my children sing.
21. Watching my husband work.
22. Rearranging furniture.
23. Eye shopping for baby clothes.
24. Finding pretty quilt patterns.
25. Speed reading through Potterybarn,, Potterybarn Kids, and Crate and Barrel Catalogues during the precious 5 minutes I get to myself.
26. Silence... after all the kids are fast asleep.
27. Looking through a new cookbook.
28. Learning how to knit for the 50th time.
29. Collecting shells and thanking God for His wonderful creation.
30. Feeling God's gentle peace after spending time with Him in the Word or through prayer.

I realize from all this, that I ought to be thankful to God for gifting me with these little blessings that lighten up my heart. And out of this thankful heart, I must also share my life to be a blessing: to bring that same every day joy to those in need of the Giver of Life.
* Pictures are from

Proverbs 31 - The Message Bible Version

Hymn To A Good Wife

A good woman is hard to find,
and worth far more than diamonds.
Her husband trusts her without reserve,
and never has reason to regret it.
Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long.
She shops around for the best yarns and cottons,
and enjoys knitting and sewing.
She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places
and brings back exotic surprises.
She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast
for her family and organizing her day.
She looks over a field and buys it,
then, with money she's put aside, plants a garden.
First thing in the morning, she dresses for work,
rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started.
She senses the worth of her work,
is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.
She's skilled in the crafts or home and hearth,
diligent in homemaking.
She's quick to assist anyone in need,
reaches out to help the poor.
She doesn't worry about her family when it snows;
their winter clothes are all mended and ready to wear.
She makes her own clothing,
and dresses in colorful linens and silks.
Her husband is greatly respected 
when he deliberates with the city fathers.
She designs gowns and sells them,
brings the sweaters she knits to the dress shops.
Her clothes are well-made and elegant,
and she always faces tomorrow with a smile.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
and she always says it kindly.
She keeps an eye on everyone in her household,
and keeps them all busy and productive.
Her children respect and bless her;
her husband joins in with words of praise:
"Many women have done wonderful things,
but you've outclassed them all!"
Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades.
The woman to be admired and praised
is the woman who lives in the Fear-of-God.
Give her everything she deserves!
Festoon her life with praises!
Proverbs 31:10-31

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I <3 Mom Inspirations!

After long hours of work, and few migraines, I have finally finished setting up our new blog for moms. Well, almost finished as I am remembering more work to do. But we're almost there! We have 8 dedicated moms on the board, and I'm already learning so much from each of their life stories. Mom Inspirations has finally launched yesterday. Woo hoo!!

Now I'm moving on to set up another ministry called MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) ministry, which is an internationally known organization with a purpose to minster to moms with younger children. I'm almost done with setting up the steering team, and hopefully we'll have enough time before we launch this ministry in September.

Being a Vocal Performance Major, I never thought I'd enjoy planning and structuring ministries. I am enjoying this tremendously as I'm discovering my spiritual gifts to be administration and leadership. I think this makes sense when I consider my personality.

This is totally off the subject, but I've never seen Jason Giambi run so fast. He's not much of a runner nor he's fast, but he looks like he's running for his life.

I think I'm desperately needing some sleep now. I guess my allergy medicine is working finally.

Complete Beach Bag List - by Wendy Trunz


Mom Inspirations Widget

Let me take a moment to introduce you our new widget box that's located on the right side of our blog. Our Mom Inspirations widget is a  little application that you can add to your igoogle start pages, blogs, facebook, or even on your Dashboard (if you have Mac) that shows you the newest updates of our published blog entries. All you have to do is click on "get widget" button and choose which site you'd like to add the widget and you're done!

Seasoning from God

We have been working on encouragement in our home for years. My husband and I are keenly aware of the importance of teaching and modeling this to our children. We also can admit our shortfalls, and with a 50/50 hungarian/german mix in our marriage,the power of words is a hot topic in our home. When we have become impatient with one another in the past, the last thing on our human minds has been to find ways to build one another up. Yet with almost 18 years of practice in making mistakes, we have learned that it comes down to what our families hear us say, our words. And for us we have learned that intent is not as important as the words the other person hears coming out of our mouths.

Yet when the soul feels empty, it is very difficult to encourage on our own.
As a baby needs milk, we need to fill our empty souls with God's word. I have learned that however arduous the challenge, no matter how open the wound of pain is, God has already provided relief and a healing balm through Christ who gives me strength and love. Colossians 4:6 says to "let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each other."

Whatever you are working on in your life and in your home, remember Jesus Christ is there to strengthen you, love you, accept and embrace you, and encourage you to receive His full blessing. Homemade cookies are a sign of love, but even more is a wife and mom who can nurture her family's souls through her words. Live passionately and be blessed! Carolina

Thankful Heart Is A Happy Heart

I don't know about you, but it's been a very tough week for me. I feel I've been challenged in all dimensions of life. But in the midst of all this chaos, God is telling me to be thankful. 

It's been a pattern in my walk with God, that when I come across a life changing lesson, there always follows a test for me. I guess it's not enough to just have the knowledge in my head unless I live and practice these principles obtained.

So this past week has been full of tests and trials, and I cannot say with a certainty that I have passed this hurdle yet. As much as it is hard, it's incredible how God whispers in my heart that He is here to help me to grow to be like Christ.

I believe the best thing to do in the hardest times is to be thankful. So, that's what I'm going to do right now. There are countless things I'm truly thankful for, but to save time I'll name a few.

1. I'm thankful for hardships. Without them, I won't be able to become the kind of person God wants me to be.

2. I'm thankful for my children. Through them, I am able to experience and understand God's love for me in a whole new aspect.

3. I'm thankful for my husband. Although he's been busy and out doing ministry almost every night of the week, he helps me out whenever he gets a chance.

4. Here's a real challenge: I'm thankful for my toddler's energy. Although I can barely keep up chasing her around most of the day, cleaning up after spills/messes every 30 minutes, dealing with the tantrums, dealing with "climbing on everything and anything possible", she brings such joy indescribable in a single smile that lights up my heart to the core. 

When I consider all this, how can I sit here and complain about anything in life?

Would you remember to pray with me as we try to reach out to the young moms in our community? Let's pray that these moms (all of us included) will find the source of inspiration, Jesus, to help us become the kind of mother God wants us to be for His glory. It is very important for us to know that this life is not about us, but rather, it's all about Him.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Recently, I have been having some trouble with materialism, specifically wanting nicer clothes and home furnishings. It's not that there is anything at all wrong with what I have, I just wanted things bigger and better, and it was getting me down. Instead of appreciating the wonderful home that I have and my amazing family, and the fact that I can be a stay-at-home mom, I was getting a little distracted by longing for material things. A few days ago, I was really given a good wake-up call from God in the form of a song I was listening to by Nichole Nordemann called, "Gratitude". This is a link to the lyrics: I really love this song, but it had been a while since I had listened to it. It is written like a prayer, and the singer asks God for things like daily bread, and peace. But the singer acknowledges that even if God does not bless her with those things, she will still give thanks to Him for whatever lesson He has taught her through the experience. I realized instantly that I am so deeply blessed by God and that material things are entirely inconsequential. God reminded me of what is written in Luke 12 when Jesus says, "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes." My Lord has and will continue to provide for me everything that is necessary, and all the abundance that I have now is His. I just need to trust Him with it! I know that this can be difficult, and I think us women fall prey to materialism, whether it is coveting nice things for ourselves, our husbands, homes, or children. I am so glad that God spoke to me to help me get through that tricky time and remind me what is most important, and my continual prayer is that we will keep our eyes on Jesus and desire Him, not other things.

Foreword by our guest writer-Jill D.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do and He will direct your steps." - Proverbs 3:5-6

For those of you who know me, you will recognize this verse as my email address. That is because it is my life verse. I find that the wisdom of God's Word always holds true and are the only things worthy to live by. I am learning to ask God to show me what He would have me learn from the people and circumstances I encounter in my day. This is something I suggest everyone to do throughout the day. On one of those days, God gave me a message that was so vivid, it is still framed in my mind.

In the summer we often take our children tubing on Candlewood Lake, CT. They sit on small 'mini rafts' while my husband and brother-in-law drag them around the lake via a rope attached from the boat to the tube. As I would sit on the boat with my eyes, and sometimes the camera glued on the kids, I would hear the pearls of laughter as the waves from the boat's wake would jostle and sometimes flop over the kids on the tube.

 While I was enjoying one such moment, I asked God, "Father, what would you have me learn from this experience?" This is the message I believe He gave me: In life, there will always be waves that not only take you up and down but can also flip you over. These are the hard times in life- when your child is sick, when they are hurting from others around them, when they are conforming to the world and do things that hurt themselves and those around them, and also when you are hurting for the same reasons. But then He showed me to look at the rope which attached the tube to the boat. As long as the child is firmly holding onto the tube attached to the rope, no matter how bad the waves are, he won't get detached from the boat. In the same way God tells us to, "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2) so we will be able to persevere through Him. He is the rope we must firmly fix ourselves to so we can get through life's ups and downs, even when it turns us over. Jesus doesn't take us out of the storms of life, instead He gives us His peace through the storms until it is time for Him to take us onto the boat go to our heavenly home.

So, how do we stay attached to the rope to keep our eyes on Jesus?

1) Set aside a consistent daily quiet time with the Lord to read His Word and pray to Him. As you do, ask God to give you a teachable heart and show you what He wants you to see. You are not in a race to read through the Bible, so read it slowly and meditate on what God is showing you.

2) "Be still and know that I am the Lord..." - Set aside a consistent time to pray to Him and be silent allowing Him to speak to you.

3) Ask God to help you develop a lifestyle of praying throughout the day, "seek His will in all you do and He will direct your steps." (Proverbs 3:6)

4) Memorize scripture: as you spend time with God is His Word, He will impress upon your heart verses that He wants you to memorize. He will use these verses in you life to get through the rough waves. For example: write these verses on index cards to keep throughout your house- on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, car dashboard, etc. and then few times a day recite the verse along with its reference out loud until memorized.

Sisters, don't worry that you are taking so much time out of your already hectic day to spend time with God because God does amazing things. When we honor God with our time, He extends our day. Try it and see for yourself.