Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Every Day Joys

I was reading this awesome Christian Magazine called life:beautiful today and I was quite inspired by this one article called 101 Everyday Joys. She talks about her Grandmother who's been through many difficult hardships in life ( such as loss of spouse, a newborn and later a son). Yet, she had retained her love for God without losing faith in Him by focusing on the everyday joys of life. She lists 101 everyday joys that keep her going through the difficult times. Here are some of my favorite ones from the list:

- Looking at old family photos and remembering good times.
- Listening to the birds sing as the sun rises.
- Doing any job to the best of your abilities and finishing early.
- Playing board games with your family.
- Covering a casserole with foil to put into the freezer for a future meal and knowing your family will be eating healthier for it.
- Talking at the dinner table after the meal is done.
- Reading a really good book.
- Seeing old friends.
- Holding a new born baby.
- Brushing and styling your daughter's hair.
- Giving away something you love to someone who needs it more.
- Putting fresh sheets on every bed in the house.

Here are my 30 everyday joys. ( Can't do 101 since my entry is already long!)
1. The way my children smell right after a bath.
2. Cuddling with my kids early Saturday mornings in bed.
3. Watching my children as they learn something new and profound.
4. Dinner Parties
5. Drawing and doing crafts with my kids.
6. Baking cookies.
7. Planning for everything and accomplishing my goals.
8. After vacuuming, being able to stand without spotting any  Hot wheels, cheerios, or books on the floor.
9. Aroma of coffee in the morning.
10. Late nite snacks with my husband.
11. Having lunch with friends.
12. Listening to Jazz or Opera.
13. Playing an instrument
14. Taking pictures.
15. The smell of rain.
16. Displaying all the kids' artworks and secretly suspecting the kids actually might be geniuses :P
17. Starting a brand new journal. ( Perhaps this is why I keep countless journals and never be able to finish one).
18. Taking nature walks with family.
19. Reading to my children.
20. Listening to my children sing.
21. Watching my husband work.
22. Rearranging furniture.
23. Eye shopping for baby clothes.
24. Finding pretty quilt patterns.
25. Speed reading through Potterybarn,, Potterybarn Kids, and Crate and Barrel Catalogues during the precious 5 minutes I get to myself.
26. Silence... after all the kids are fast asleep.
27. Looking through a new cookbook.
28. Learning how to knit for the 50th time.
29. Collecting shells and thanking God for His wonderful creation.
30. Feeling God's gentle peace after spending time with Him in the Word or through prayer.

I realize from all this, that I ought to be thankful to God for gifting me with these little blessings that lighten up my heart. And out of this thankful heart, I must also share my life to be a blessing: to bring that same every day joy to those in need of the Giver of Life.
* Pictures are from

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