Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thankful that my weekend plans were ruined

Have you ever had one of those weeks, where you just couldn't wait for the weekend? Of course, we have all had those, but I was really looking forward to this past weekend. My plan for Saturday was to get some things done around the house, enjoy the beautiful weather outside with my kids, then head out for a very overdue Girl's Night. Sunday morning we would go to church, come home and celebrate Father's Day together (which included a surprise meal for just my husband and I). I was so excited to have a fun dinner out with the girls, then pamper and surprise my husband for Father's day. Well, as is the case with many of the best plans....the weekend did not turn out exactly as I had pictured.

Wednesday my almost two year old daughter came down with a fever. I gave her some Tylenol and did not think much more about it.... until the evening when her temperature was 105 which lead to a trip to the doctor. We were told she had a throat infection...not strep, just a virus. "No problem," I told myself, "she'll be better by the weekend."

By Saturday morning my 12 week old son also had a fever, my daughter was covered in a rash that was now breaking open and I was definitely sick. So although my original plan called for getting some things done in the house and relaxing outside.... the house became even messier than it was and I did not get outside at all. To make things worse, I was just crabby... I get that way when I don't feel well, and my kids did not nap well so they were crabby. It was a house full of "sick and tired," and my poor husband was probably getting sick and tired of us. I bickered with him on an off during the day about silly things.

By Saturday evening I had given up. Not only was I missing my night out, but the weekend would be ruined. It was obvious that I would not make it to church in the morning and my Father's day plans were shot too. Needless to say I was quite disappointed and was starting to feel angry. "Why did we have to get sick this weekend," I complained, "what awful timing!"

On Sunday morning, I managed to wish my husband a Happy Father's day before he left very early for church (church is his work), apologizing that I had not made him a nice breakfast... or any breakfast at all. So much for pampering him on Father's Day. I said a very long prayer expressing my frustration and asking God to give me strength and possibly even joy for the day. Not exactly the day I had planned; home alone with 2 sick kids. The kids were surprisingly quiet though, and I actually had time for some personal devotions and more prayer. I happened across 1 Peter 5:7 which tells us to "cast all [our] anxiety
on Him, because He cares for [us]. I was reminded of a kid's praise song from when I was young:
I cast all my cares upon You
I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet
And anytime I don't know what to do
I will cast all my cares upon You

Such a simple, but profound little chorus. I sang it a few times
with my daughter as we sat together on the couch. She loves when I sing to her. We smiled and laughed with each other... it was a beautiful moment. The next moment however, was not so beautiful. My daughter tensed up and starting twitching. It took a couple seconds for reality to hit... my little girl was having a seizure. "Oh, Lord help me," I was crying as I held her. It may have only been 90 seconds or so, but the time passed as if it were hours. Then she lay limp and still in my arms. I called her name and rubbed her cheek.... she opened her eyes slightly and sighed. She breathed slowly and deeply, eyes closed. And then I breathed again too.... slowly and deeply. Eyes closed, I prayed and that little chorus "I cast all my cares upon You," ran through my head.

Soon a million thoughts flew through my head, and I wanted to spring in to action but had to slow down in order to decide what to do. "I cast all my cares upon You. Lord help me think clearly," I prayed. I called our doctor, who was in the office, and he assured me that she would be fine and instructed me to bring her to the office. Still trying to collect myself, I carried each of my little one to the car and strapped them in. As I drove out of my driveway and past my church, I saw one person leaving and it dawned on me that there were many people inside who could help. I had not even thought of it. I brought the baby in, told a friend I needed to take my daughter to the doctor, asked her to watch my son and left.

While driving, I called my husband to fill him in. I was surprised by how calm I was on the phone. By the time I carried my little girl into the doctor's office she was responsive and looking around. She received immediate and thorough care. The doctor confirmed that it was just a febrile seizure due to her high temperature, which albeit scary, would have no lasting effect on her. By the time my husband came home from church, my daughter greeted him happily and was excited to give him his Father's day card. By later afternoon she was running around, playing, dancing and completely wonderful.

Sunday may not have been the Father's Day I planned, but it was the one that my Father in heaven planned. He ordered my steps and was in control. I can see it in every tiny detail. And so I am thankful, very thankful that my weekend plans were ruined.
I am thankful that His plan was in place... not mine.
I am thankful that I was home with my daughter this Sunday morning, not at church.
I am thankful that I experienced wonderful time alone with God.
I am thankful that my devotions at home reminded me of a kid's song I have not heard in years.
I am thankful that I sung that praise song with my daughter.
I am thankful that that song stayed in my head.
I am thankful that God reminded me to "Cast all my cares upon Him," right when I needed to.
I am thankful that my doctor was in the office on a Sunday when I called.
I am thankful the first person left the church service at the exact time I was driving by.
I am thankful that God is in control, and not me.
I am thankful that I have a daughter, a son, a family.
I am thankful that my children are in His hands, not mine.
I am thankful that my daughter is all right.
I am thankful that my daughter is alive.
I am thankful that I am alive.
I am thankful!

ou hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. ~ Psalm 139:5


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you and your little ones were sick :( We did miss you at the girl's night out. Hopefully we can do it again soon and you'd be able to make it.

Sharon said...

God is so good and faithful! What a wonderful way to communicate and encourage each other.