Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Modest really is Hottest

You know, it's amazing that after being the champion for the first annual Modest is Hottest fashion show event at our church, you would think that only modest clothing would go out on my girls and myself. We received many points at that event(hosted by Shari Braendel from Proverbs 31) on how to dress modestly and still be attractive. It was a wonderful night for moms and their daughters including my sweet 5 year old who sat right in the middle, front,positioned directly in front of the runway. She was paying very close attention that night.

About 2 weeks ago, I was in a local store picking up swimming trunks for my just about two year old son. As I walked through the store, I began to get distracted by all the OTHER clothes that were hanging on the racks...."cute" girls clothing.  Does this happen to anyone else? Am I the only one who gets distracted by the never ending lines of clothing for girls? In my distraction and fascination with the "cute" clothing,  I picked out a halter top/skort set for my five year old and checked out. NO problem right? Wrong.

When my daughter came home from school that day, I showed her my "cute" purchase and she was pleased. The next morning as we were getting ready for school, she thought that the outfit I bought for her would be nice on a hot day. She came in to show me how she looked and it was at that moment that my distraction of yesterday was going to be a major problem today. To get right to the point, the outfit showed too much leg and back. Something that I would have caught if i was paying attention...or better yet, if I didn't get DISTRACTED and just bought the trunks for the boy!I attempted to explain myself in front of her and my husband who was a bit confused at the exchange. She finally said to me in tears," Mom why would you buy me something that isn't modest?" With my husband silent and my daughter looking at me brokenhearted, I was cut to the quick. Why DID I buy that outfit? Isn't it my job to protect her? Isn't it my job to teach her how to dress, always seeking the Glory of God? Well, I had failed that day. She was right and I was wrong.

God was merciful bringing this question up again for me because it is something that I as a women and mom will be confronted with daily since I live in a culture that has every option available to cloth myself and my children. The appeal to the flesh is strong sisters! What I need to remember is that I am being dressed from the inside out by the King and how I dress on the outside reflects what kind of dress is going on inside. "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support whose heart is completely His." 2 Chronicles 16:9. If my heart is completely His then as a family, we should reflect that in our choice of clothing. "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do( dressing myself or kids), do ALL for the Glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Sometimes it takes a child's rebuke to get it straight. I have learned many things through my children over the years as God continues in His mercy, compassion and love to refine me and remind me through His Word not to conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind so that I may prove what the will of God is; that which is good, acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

Thank you Father, for caring about what I look like and what my daughters look like. May we, Oh God, as mothers treasure You so that we may love You more than our own fleshly desires.  May our devotion be pure to you Jesus and would You continue in your mercy to show us how to care for our beloved children whom You have chosen especially for us. To You be the Glory! 

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