Friday, June 27, 2008

A Fresh Coat of Paint

The beginning of summer is marked by two things for me - my returning perennials and a fresh coat of paint on my deck. In fact, in May we begin to start preparing the surface. Then the day arrives and no one can use the back door of the house for a couple of days as the deck dries. When it is finally dry, I love to walk on the surface barefooted. The smoothness of the surface and the smell of the freshly dried paint signifies a new beginning.

But the truth is that by summer's end, all the traffic from my family's feet leaves it looking a bit worn. By fall the rain, the leaves and acorns cover it and leave stains. The winter's ice and salt ravage it, and by spring, the deck is in need of TLC again.

My deck is a bit like the earthly vessels we live in. The wear and tear of life contribute to many of us looking and feeling like my deck by Springtime. We are in need of a power wash, a good scraping and a fresh coat of paint to head into the next season of life. Think about it, no two seasons are the same and their differences create different effects on us.

What if we think we can't really take time to get that fresh coat of paint? What if life, relationship strains, the kids, no time for God, financial strains, weight gain and stress interfere with our peace? What if deep down we have never felt free and clean and fresh? First off, God offers an answer for every problem. There is nothing He can not handle. Philippians 4:6 tells us to not "...worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus". Just like your two year old will need constant reminders when you are teaching him to obey you, you too need to be reminded of God's love and provision for you. So as you tell him everything, remember He cares for you and wants to bless you. John 1:12 tells us that all who receive Christ, believe in his name, he gives the right to become children of God. To be a child of God means attaining all the rights and privileges of my freshly painted deck - a clean slate. This happens the moment we submit to him and hand Him over our lives.

Every season of my life has had its dilemmas. My husband and I have faced almost every kind of issue imaginable and I have come to realize that the answers can not be found in a good marriage, friendships, a deep love for your children, or your looks and intelligence. The answers always come from Jesus. Friendships will come and go, medical diagnoses will be made, bank accounts will go up and be drawn down, and still God's faithfulness does not change. When you are tested, you will have a chance to grow. 1 Peter 1:24-25 tells us that if we keep looking at God's perfect law to set us free, then God will bless us for doing it.

Psalm 119:105 says that His "...word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path." When a season comes upon you which ravages you and zaps your energy, take time to regularly read his word. You may have to do this when everyone is still asleep and you yourself need rest. But my dear sisters, waking for your Father in heaven, although difficult when you are exhausted, will become a reminder that Summer is coming and a fresh coat of paint is on the way sooner than you think. God's fresh coat of paint consists of peace, joy, love and patience. This will come when you give him your undivided attention. He is waiting with a fresh can of paint in his hand.


bethany said...

Thank you for this reminder of HIS faithfulness. It is true that He is always there ready to give us a "fresh coat" even if we need it every day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving me the visual of a fresh coat of paint and being in God's word. I loved it.