Thursday, June 19, 2008

Girlfriends In God by Jill D.

I make it a habit to read, "Girlfriends in God" from every morning. On this particular morning the author wrote about her neighbors who had helped each other through their fights with cancer. Reading this story reminded me just how amazing our Father in heaven really is. You see, in September of 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and that November I had a double mastectomy, with chemotherapy following. 

But as I said, we have an amazing God. You see, He had prepared me scriptures I knew I had to memorize, but didn't ask why I needed to. One of the verses He gave me was, "and we know that God causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love God,...TO BECOME CONFORMED to the image of His Son" (Romans 8:28-29). 

God also gave me an amazing prayer partner who faithfully met me every week so that I was able to pour out my heart and ask God to keep my eyes off of myself and onto Him through all I was going through. I was able to look with confident expectation at my GREAT, GREAT, FATHER to see how He was going to use this trial in my life.

I have come to realized that God has told me over and over again to take my eyes off of everyone else and every else around me and fix them onto Him, "let us lay aside every hindrance and sin that easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race marked out for us, fixing out eyes on Jesus Christ the author and perfector of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2) Only when I do this can God help me through each situation and grow my faith in Him.

I find the toughest situations are those that deal with my children. It is far easier for me to let go of my life and give it to God, but for me to let go of my children, well, that is something I still continue to struggle with. Yet, I know that I have heard God tell me to get out of the way, "what's it to you, you follow me!" (John 21:22). I have to remember they are HIS children, not mine, and I have to let Him have His way with them so they too can grow. The greatest thing we can do is pray for them, and it is never too late to start, "lift up your hands to Him for the life of your little ones" (Lamentations 2:19).

Let's try this together:
1. Read through the Bible slowly, asking God to show you what He wants to show you.
2. Commit to memorize any verse that God is making it "jump out" at you while reading.
3. Find a prayer partner that you can keep you accountable so you can develop an intimate relationship with God.

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